[16] Bellicose

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(Pic of Carter above. Fun fact, I've shot the type of gun she's holding)

It was that time again. An upcoming raid meant tactical training. That meant we had to familiarize ourselves with our weaponry once more to prepare for going into town for supplies. It had been organized that there would be two completely separate groups going out. The first group would be getting basic necessities, and the second would be looking for supplies for Julie's baby. Calum and I had been placed into the baby supplies group along with Spencer, Toby, and Ryder. Alison wanted to go with us, but my parents were still deciding. I was against her going. I wanted her out of harms way. She on the other hand was livid when Mason told her she needed permission. I needed it too, but because of all of the watches I worked, I was pretty well trusted. We had wanted Alyssa coming with us too, however her fate was also undecided. Her dad was torn between bringing her along with him as he was driving, or letting her go along with us. Kyle was also going in our little posse. Alyssa's dad was weary of my older brother; as Alyssa had been caught sneaking out with him many times. They were just friends anyways, but that was besides the point. Wes was quite obviously a very strict and military based parent. He was also weary of the fact that she was still recovering from the bullet that grazed her shoulder bone.

The familiarity of the cold metal rubbing my hands on the cold day gave me a sense of confidence, but it also re-introduced the feeling of anxiety I had the last time I actually had to use a gun.

Calum didn't show up for training. Kyle hadn't either. The two idiots plus Chris found the rest of Kyle's beer stash and got wasted last night. It wasn't like they needed the training anyways.

Alyssa and I stayed close together as we aimed at the bright red target we shot at. Or towards, in my case. I still hadn't gotten quite used to the feel of the metal and the heaviness of it. Action movies never show that after a while of holding a gun, there's some kind of ache in your arms that burns your muscles if you aren't prepared for it.

After two hours of wasting the ammo we didn't have to waste, we finished up and put our weapons away. The few other people that had braved their way out of their homes today were as eager as I was to go back and crawl into my bed with my fuzzy socks.

"Good job today sweet heart. I'm proud of you Carter." My dad congratulated me as I hung up my weapon.

My parents and I had drifted a bit far apart over the course of the past few weeks. I couldn't help it. The transition of living in the room next to them for over fifteen years and then living in a self sustainable hut a few meters away was difficult.

"Thanks dad. You taught me everything I know." I smile and he locks the armory door when we leave.

"See you later Alyssa." I bid her goodbye as she waves before prancing off with James and Ariel. Surprisingly, they had shown up prepared. I was quite surprised that anyone related to Emma could have enough brains to be able to shoot a gun and not injure someone. It crossed my kind that maybe Emma and I weren't so different, but I wiped the thought away.

"Listen. So I know that you're planning on going on this raid. And I also know that you have yourself a boyfriend." My dad starts, awkwardly bringing up my life. He was never very good at this.

"I know how to handle myself.. With both of those things."

"That's all I wanted to know." He throws an arm around me as if I'm eleven again and I just graduated elementary school with my pixie cut bob and baggy dress.

"I just, don't want you to ever grow up."

"I know."

"But, that's just life isn't it. I just have to assure myself that you will always do your best, and that you will always be a good person."

"Dad. You've taught me all I know.. From where to get the coldest bottle of Mountain Dew in the morning from shooting every gun I could think of."

"I know. To me you'll always be my baby girl."

"Love you dad."

"Love you too Car."

For the sake of the moment, I ignore the fact that my stubborn father still calls me by a name I hate. I don't know why, I just never liked that name. I preferred Carter.

I say goodbye to my dad,
and run ahead to find my friends.



Thanks for reading! <3 I've been trying really hard to be a better writer and practice sure does make perfect. I've learned a lot this year with grammar and new words and ways to make the hook more interesting so I've got lots in store!!


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