[9] Close Enough

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The four-wheeler ride back to camp was quiet. Even with the loud roar of the engines and the mud and sticks that crunched and crackled as we ran straight over them. I held on to Calum's waist with both arms and my hair flew freely as I had forgotten to tie it up before I left my tent.

I couldn't imagine why, but for some reason there was something crazy about me being around Calum again. Only a few days had went by without me even acknowledging him, and I realized why a part of me had seemed to be missing. Because it had been.

My bones seemed to buzz with energy when I was with him. He made me uncomfortable, uneasy, inexplicably happy. That adrenaline rush you get on a roller coaster or when you're playing hide and seek and the seeker walks past you obliviously as you stay hidden.

Get over yourself. I tell myself. Maybe I shouldn't though? Everything and every single thought in my head is Calum.

Before I know it, I'm on my feet and I'm sprinting. The gravels under my feet spring me forward and my legs carry my body up the hill I just so carefully and slowly treaded myself down.

I keep running as I pass by the trail. Our spot. Impulsively, I decide that instead of running straight to Calum, sitting to myself would be a good idea. I slow down my legs and follow the narrow pathway up to the rock I had grown to love.

The blazing sun seemed to warm me up and thaw me out as it had gotten quite cold last night. I was thankful it wasn't cloudy today, which I should have been grateful to even see the sun, since it's thanksgiving and I'm supposed to be thankful.

Since I had nothing else to do, I continued to stare at the gorgeous view in front of me. But for some reason I don't know, I began making a list in my head of people that I'm thankful for this year. In fact, without many of the people in this camp, I wouldn't be who I am today. I can honestly say that I would lay down my life for them, and I know that they would do the same for me. It's insane how much I've matured and changed since this all started happening, I mean, I had never really realized how lonely and selfish I was before.

If I wouldn't have heard a slight crunch and a mumbled word of profanity, I would have never noticed the attractive tanned boy standing awkwardly behind me.

"I-uh." He stumbled over his words as if he'd had a thousand words to say but could only process a scrambled up excuse for a response. The sad part was, I felt the same way. I didn't know where to start or where to finish or any of the in between, but for some reason the next few moments seemed right. They seemed overdue for some reason I didn't know. Calum had stepped closer and I had stood up on my tip toes to reach his lips. We locked lips and he pulled me closer within seconds.

Whereas my ex had held me as if I were going to break, Calum held me as if maybe we were both going to break, but he didn't seem to mind. Neither did I. I wondered why it didn't hurt as he had such a tight grip on my waist.

We kept the same pace as we had before I finally broke away from him.

"How long had you been standing there?" I finally asked the million dollar question. He blushed all around his cheeks before he eventually answered.

"I'll be honest. A while." He looked down nervously as I giggled quietly.

"What?" He asked, suddenly becoming a bit defensive.

"It's actually kind of cute. I'm sorry that I accused you of cheating.. I trust that you told the truth."

"I'm sorry too Carter. A few years ago, I would have cheated, I'm sure of it. But I would never want to hurt you."

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