[21] Forage

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"This is actually really good." Alison's eyes widen as she emphasizes the 'reaaaly.'

"Either that, or we were just all starving."

Our buffet of cans was spread out as we all were either slumped on the couch or criss-cross on the floor. Each of us held a utensil as we ate from whatever can we had opened. I had vegetable soup, which was really good cold. I hadn't minded though. We were all so worn out from scrounging around every house in this stupid place and driving all the way here, that once we all sat down with a can opener and a couple of spoons, we were set.

Once we were done, we decided on leaving the next morning but only after we stocked up on food and supplies.

"I'm heading up. Night guys." I say before slugging my bag over my shoulder and trotting up the creaky stairs.

As I struggled to figure out which room I had left my things in while also trying to navigate my way in the dark, I could have sworn that I heard the stairs creak. Although when I turned around there was no one there.

The second door on the right turned out to be a winner, so I stepped into the carpeted room and sat down to take off my shoes. I untied them and placed them neatly beside the large bed I chose on purpose. I had very much missed my queen sized mattress back at home due to the tiny cot I had at camp and the bunk bed back at the bunker.

Honestly, I didn't even want to go to sleep. I was sweaty and dirty and most likely smelled horrible from not bathing. At least we had one of those hung up showers at Sugar Tree. The water was pretty chilly, but it was a shower nonetheless.

Dark colors swirled what must have been the guest room I was in, and the fact that we had no electricity added to the dark and sleepy feel. I yawned as I realized how tired I was, so I tossed my feet up onto the bed and my head hit the pillow. Was that another creak in the floor? Or just my exhausted imagination playing tricks on my mind?

I tried to ignore it, I really did. However it's harder than it seems.

Suddenly and before I could respond, a pair of warm hands covered my eyes and mouth.

"Hrhgmrfh!" I attempted to scream.

"Got you." The soft voice said, as they removed their hands.

Whoever it was stood up and walked over to the door, gently pushing it closed as quietly as possible.

"Calum." I say, realizing who it was.

He laughed a little, which only caused me to want to smack him harder. It was dark, but not dark enough for me to see him in my mind with that dorky smile and the light in his eyes.

"I swear to-" I had stood up, and was currently trying to punch him, but he kept deflecting my hits.

"You love me though."

"Don't ever do that again! What if I would have shot you or something?" I was trying to hold in a laugh so that I would seem more serious and tough, but my humorous demeanor caused me to laugh anyways.

"Anyways.." He took his shoes off and tossed them directly in front of where we stood. Two types of people when they're putting up their shoes..

"I'm tired. Go away and let me sleep." I roll my eyes even though I know he can't see me.

"Why do you think I came in here? Now scoot over." I had sat back down in the bed which was getting warm from my body, but I scooted over on my butt anyways.

We got ourselves situated in the comfortable bed, and Calum told me goodnight as I rolled over and lay my head on his firm chest.

"Night." I smile.



"Good morning." He rolls over. I sigh. Was this a mistake? The comforter that rests on top of me is pulled up to my chin, yet I still shiver.

"I guess I'm going to head to bed." He said. I agreed, my eyes were barely being held open by the gas fumes I was running on.

As we walked up the steps, we could hear the gentle snores of someone who was fast asleep, and the giggles of someone else. Two rooms were occupied by my friends, and the one room left had a single bed.

"Oh. I'll go sleep on the couch I guess.." I said when I realized that there weren't enough beds for the both of us.

"No no, I'll take the couch. You can have the bed."

"Kyle, it's fine. Someone needs to take watch anyways.."

"No one will bother us.. Go to sleep Alyssa."

"Wait. There's no reason that one of us should have a restless night. Why don't we both just make space in here? I mean.. If you don't want to-"

"Uh.. Okay." He followed me into the room and closed the door behind me which sent chills down my spine.

It doesn't mean anything. We didn't even do anything, just slept. Maybe cuddled a little, or a lot. I woke up halfway through the night I assumed and you could barely tell who's limbs were who's.

"I-uh- morning." I smiled, or at least tried to. I felt gross, and not just because of the layers of dirt and grime that covered my body and my hair.

"What's wrong?" He asked. It was the nicest I'd seen him since we first met. Typically we argued and fought, but I guess we both were feeling left out because the rest of our group were couples. But I have a boyfriend. Chris. I had forgotten about him..

"Nothing. Let's go get some breakfast." I say, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and reaching down to retrieve my shoes.


So if you're still keeping up, you know that it's been SOOO long since I last updated. I'm going to publish the rest that I've written but I don't think that I'm going to continue The End series, I'm planning on editing and rewriting with a better plot because it's been like 2 years since I started writing it and I've grown a lot as a writer. So if you enjoyed it and are willing to wait, it will be worth it (I hope) so sorry again for the wait! Thanks for reading!!



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