Boy dates boy

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Kurt and Blaine set off after about thirty minutes, allowing the crowd to clear a little bit before they ventured outdoors again.

And this time, Blaine made sure that a security guard went outdoors first, so that Blaine wouldn't get attacked by a mob of fans.

They agreed that Starbucks' coffee was the best, so they went to the closest one a few blocks away and decided to drink it outside, walking around a park that was nearby.

Neither man had ever been to Seattle, which is where Blaine's latest show was, and so they wanted to take in the new and exciting sights.

The streets were basically empty since it was now around eleven o'clock at night, so Blaine told his security guard that he could take the rest of the night off and get some rest.

Blaine figured they would be safe enough now that they had wandered a few blocks from the arena.

Blaine found from experience that fans generally left him alone on the streets, especially if he was with someone else.

As the men began walking down the street, coffee in hand, Blaine asked Kurt to tell him a little bit about himself, but Kurt brushed it off, saying,

"There's nothing really worth telling. I mean, I'm just a plain old college student making his way through life in hopes of one day becoming a fashion designer."

Regardless, Blaine was impressed. Kurt had goals in his life, and Blaine found that respectable.

"Why don't you tell me about yourself?" Kurt asked Blaine.

"Haven't you read all the tabloids? I'd expect that a fan such as yourself, willing to follow me around the country, would already know everything worth knowing." Blaine joked.

"I actually don't read tabloids. I stick to Vogue, mostly. I'm more into fashion than gossip.

I mean, I know that you support gay/lesbian rights, which kind of makes you my hero.

And I know that you support voting, and, don't hate me for saying it, but EWWWW.

I hate politics. It's just so... blah. Boring. But aside from that, I don't really know anything about you.

I mean, the real you. I just have a deep appreciation for your voice. You are extremely talented."

Blaine was in shock. A fan who was willing to follow him around the country, all for his voice. Not because he was in love with the idea of all the rumors that spread about him, or completely obsessed with his looks... Oh, but wait. Blaine didn't know if Kurt was obsessed with his looks.

And now he was kind of curious as to whether Kurt found him attractive. He secretly hoped that he did.

"Ok. So I have one last question for you. Do you have a poster of me in my room?"

Kurt blushed.

"No. I don't, actually. Not that you're not lovely... because... err... umm... you are. Uh... yeah. But no. Sorry."

Blaine was blushing now too.

"Thanks? I guess. I mean, you're lovely too... I mean... uhhh... Yeah. Sorry if that was awkward of me to ask. I was just curious."

Then Blaine cleared his throat and tried to cover up his awkwardness with a joke.

"Had to make sure I wasn't out with too crazed of a fan."

"Crazed?" Kurt laughed.

"I don't know if I'd call myself crazed. Excited, yeah. But I try not to freak out. I mean. I used to sing too. So I get it. You're a singer.

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