Boy meets family

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Why had Kurt been so stupid? He had the most perfect man in the world for the taking, and he just let him go. Telling him that he only wanted to be friends? What the fuck was he thinking?

'You matter, Kurt. Don't throw yourself around like you don't matter.'

Curse you, dad. Curse you and your sex talks.

Even though Kurt had been embarrassed all those years ago when his dad decided to sit down with him and have the sex talk, what his dad had said had resonated with him. Kurt didn't want to have his heart broken over some summer romance.

Even if that summer romance would have been with the most incredible guy Kurt had ever met.

But in the meantime, Kurt and Blaine remained best friends... who slept in the same bed every night. But they decided to just overlook the fact that that wasn't exactly normal for two gay best friends to do. They just pretended that it was more like a sleepover... like on Dawson's Creek or something. But they both knew the truth behind it. They just wanted to be as close to one another as possible.

Blaine's next two shows went effortlessly. He stuck to his original set, a bit too heart broken to sing anything else to Kurt for the time-being. Kurt would always watch backstage, supporting Blaine's every move.

Every now and then, after shows, a fan would come up to Kurt, saying that they saw him in the magazines and asked him if he was really Blaine's boyfriend. Kurt would always regretfully respond with a no, resisting temptation to add, "but I wish I was."

Between shows, Kurt and Blaine spent every waking and sleeping moment together. They went to movie theaters, went to parks, went sight-seeing in every new city, and stayed up late talking into the night about their lives, their hopes, their dreams. All-the-while, they tried to push their feelings to the side.

And now it was the day of Blaine's fifteenth show. And it was in Lima, Ohio of all places. Blaine was a bit reluctant to play a show here, but figured he owed it to his friends who had cared about him from the start.

They were now three-fourths of the way through the tour. Blaine could see the end in sight. He didn't want to see the end. He couldn't stand the thought of Kurt leaving him at the end of all of this.

Kurt would try to reassure Blaine, saying,

"Hey. Haven't you seen technology these days? We can text. We can call. We can skype. No worries. We'll stay in touch. I could never forget this summer."

But that wasn't enough for Blaine. He knew there just had to be an answer to them being together. But he didn't have an answer right then, so all he could do was focus on his show- focus on the here and now.

The show was great, and Blaine made sure to give a shout-out to his old friends from the Warblers who had come to watch him. Kurt couldn't help but notice from backstage that quite a few old members of New Directions were there as well, including Finn, Puck, Quinn, Tina, Mike, Brittany, Artie, and Santana. They hadn't spotted him yet, though. Kurt was excited to see his old friends, but knew it would be difficult explaining to them why he was there.

Afterward, Blaine was practically jumping up and down in his excitement to see the Warblers. Kurt decided to hang back, making his way around backstage to find his New Directions friends and surprise them.

"Wes! David! Nick! Jeff! Thad! I'm so pumped you guys came to see me! What'd you think of the show?" Blaine called out, running over to them, taking turns hugging each of them.

"Well, I see now why you got all the solos in high school. That was fantastic." Jeff said, patting Blaine on the back.

"It really was. We're all so proud of you Blaine. You deserve it." Wes added.

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