Boy stays with boy

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Blaine got to Kurt's hotel faster than should have been physically possible, and boy was the young man a sight for sore eyes. Blaine couldn't believe how much he had missed him, and it had only be about two days that they had been apart. And they had even talked on the phone multiple times during their time apart. They never ran out of things to talk about. It was absolutely crazy how at ease Blaine felt talking to Kurt.

But little did Blaine know that something had changed overnight. When Kurt woke up bright and early that morning, more excited than ever to see Blaine, because when he saw Blaine this time, he wouldn't separate from him for another month. That's right... a whole month of the two guys traveling around the country together.

A month ago, Kurt never would have believed that he'd have his idol's phone number, let alone that he'd be riding around the country with him. Kurt would have laughed in your face if you had told him that. But lo and behold... here it was. As fate would have it, Kurt's car broke down and Blaine decided that he just couldn't do the rest of the tour without him.

What did Blaine see in him, Kurt wondered. Blaine had to have met thousands of fans at this point, so why did Kurt stand out as different? Kurt just blamed good old luck for this. It was luck that Blaine had decided to talk to Kurt for longer than he usually did for his other fans. It was luck that Kurt had rescued Blaine from that massive crowd the night Blaine ventured out without security in order to find him. It was luck that the man Kurt admired for so long just happened to have almost everything in common with him and that they could talk to one another effortlessly.

But that wasn't what was on Kurt's mind that morning. What was on his mind was the newspaper he had seen when he opened his hotel door. Kurt knew that room service would leave him a paper, and while he normally didn't bother with reading the news, he was desperate for anything to make the time go by faster until Blaine was there to pick him up. But when Kurt picked up the newspaper, he was shocked by what greeted him. There he was, on the front cover, holding Blaine tightly in his arms. Oh shit.

What would Blaine think? Would he be disgusted to be connected to a fan such as himself. I mean, sure, they were friends now, but that didn't mean Blaine would want people under the impression that they were dating... even if Kurt was in love with him. And shit... now Kurt probably wouldn't be able to be seen in the crowd at Blaine's shows anymore without people harassing him. But he didn't care about that so much. He was just worried about what Blaine would think.

And oh great... that was Blaine knocking on the door now. Kurt was really anxious about breaking the news to him. What if Blaine freaked out and told him that he couldn't ride with him anymore. I mean, if the press made a field day out of them hugging, just imagine what would happen if a picture was snapped of Kurt getting on or off Blaine's tour bus. Shit. Just... shit!

And then Blaine was knocking on the door again, so Kurt hurriedly stuffed the newspaper into his bag and ran to answer the door, trying his best to appear un-phased by the news he had just received.

Blaine arrived to pick Kurt up at around 9 AM the day after his show, and greeted him with a warm hug. But Kurt seemed a bit reluctant. That was weird. Kurt always returned Blaine's hugs just as eagerly. But Blaine decided to just overlook it.

"So, you ready to go? Are you packed?"

Kurt nodded, grabbing his bags and setting out after Blaine, making his way onto the tour bus.

WOAH. This bus was AWESOME. Wait, no. Awesome didn't even begin to cover it. Kurt had always pictured tour buses as being cramped and stuffy. But no. Blaine's tour bus was spacious and had multiple bedrooms and couches and TVs and a mini bar and just WOAH. Kurt could definitely get used to this.

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