Boy shares boy

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When they woke later in the afternoon, they were halfway to LA. They still had a full 24 hours until they would be getting off the tour bus. But neither of the men minded. They were perfectly happy to spend time together on the bus.

"So, what do you want to do today? We're stuck on the tour bus till we make it to LA tomorrow morning. And then I have to start setting up for the show. Sorry I won't have time to show you around." Blaine said

"Oh, no worries. I'll see it when I come to visit you."

Blaine smiled at this.

"How about we watch a Disney movie?" Blaine suggested

Kurt was tempted to say 'again?' but refrained, not wanting Blaine to think that he didn't love every second he spent with him, even if a lot of that time was spent watching Disney movies. Kurt found it endearing. He loved that Blaine still had that childish side left in him. And, while Kurt preferred musicals such as The Sound of Music or My Fair Lady, he still loved Disney, and he loved seeing Blaine so happy. So, instead, he said,

"Sounds great. Mulan or The Little Mermaid?"

"You know me so well. How about both? Then we can practice that duet." Blaine replied, getting up to grab the movies and place one into the dvd player.

"Perfect. I'll go get the popcorn."

Kurt left the room and headed to the kitchen. It might sound strange, but he was going to miss this tour bus. It had started to feel like home to him, as crazy as that was. But then again, maybe it was just Blaine who made it feel like home. Kurt was sure that no matter where he was, if Blaine was by his side, he would feel at home.

Blaine appeared to have been thinking the same thing, because the instant Kurt came back with the popcorn, Blaine pulled him down onto the couch and snuggled close to him, wrapping his arms around him and laying his head on Kurt's shoulder.

When the movies ended, Blaine went and grabbed his guitar so that they could practice their duet.

"Any ideas of what we should sing?" Kurt asked.

"Not a clue. Something happy. Something that fits into our lives. Every song I've sung for you so far describes exactly how I felt about you. I don't want this one to be any different."

"You know what... I've actually got the perfect song, then." Kurt said, remembering a song by one of his favorite artists. Oh yeah... this song couldn't be more perfect for them.

After hours of practicing the song together, and then a night of deep sleep, they were finally in LA. Blaine was back in his home town. It felt strange to be coming back here after everything that had happened to him this summer. It no longer felt familiar. Kurt was what felt familiar.

Blaine set off to start warming up for the show. Kurt hung back and chatted with various members of the security team. He had grown close to them over the summer. They warmed up to him immediately after that first day that Blaine brought him backstage with him. During the time that Blaine would be doing meet-and-greets, or warming up, or meeting with reporters after the show, Kurt would spend time with the security guards. Kurt had almost become a part of the team. He cared for Blaine even more than they did, so they knew they could trust Kurt with his safety.

"It's been fun, boys." Kurt said to the team.

"We've enjoyed having you along for the ride, Kurt. Take care of our boy, okay?" One of the men said to Kurt. Kurt nodded.

And then it was time for the show to start. Kurt took his position backstage, where he always stood, and enjoyed listening to his boyfriend sing. It was crazy how much he loved hearing Blaine sing now. If Kurt thought he had loved Blaine's voice at the beginning of the summer, well, he practically worshiped it now.

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