Boy serenades Boy

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So, now that Kurt had assured Blaine that he would stick by his side, no matter how bad the paparazzi now had it out for them, things went back to normal for the new friends. Except, everything was ten times better, because they were together all the time.

You would think that eventually they would have gotten tired of each other, but no. They just got closer and closer with each passing day.

After the news article about them got out, Blaine decided that it might be best if Kurt watched the shows from backstage from then on, so that he wouldn't get attacked by fans in the crowd who recognized him, or bombarded by paparazzi as he tried to get backstage after the show. Kurt had no problem complying to that. As far as he was concerned, backstage was the greatest place to be. From there he had a great view of the show. And it made him feel special compared to the other people who came to see Blaine. They thought they knew who Blaine was, but they had no idea. They all screamed for him and chanted his name and came up to him after the shows to tell him they loved him, but they had no idea how spectacular the man they were meeting really was.

Kurt could only say this because, a month ago, he had been one of those fans. But now that he had spent time with Blaine, he realized that Blaine was even better than the press made him out to be. He was damn near perfect. I mean, sure, he had flaws. When Kurt said that Blaine was perfect, he meant that Blaine was perfect for him.

Blaine loved Broadway and Aladdin and the Sound of Music and non-fat mocha lattes and Harry Potter and Patti Lupone and scarves and it was like Blaine was Kurt's missing puzzle piece.

The only problem was, Kurt didn't know if Blaine felt the same way. They still hadn't talked about the song Blaine sang to him that one night- the night before the news article was released . Kurt hoped that talking about this with Blaine would lead to Blaine revealing his true feelings for him. But, Blaine never brought it up, so Kurt let it be.

After three days and two of Blaine's shows of being on the tour bus together, all of which were spent playing card game and singing Disney songs at the top of their lungs, Blaine chose to, once again, serenade Kurt. But he decided to ask him about it first, now that he had seen first-hand the consequences of serenading Kurt in public. The news would get hold of it, and, basically, any decision Blaine made regarding Kurt would now have a direct effect on how the media portrayed Kurt. So it was only fair to warn his friend what he had planned.

So, right before Blaine's twelfth show, Blaine pulled Kurt aside backstage.

"Hey. I want to sing another song for you. Is that okay?" Blaine asked.

Kurt blushed. He wasn't lying when he said he was surprised. He thought that after Blaine had last sung to him and then never brought it up again that it would be the end of that. He wasn't expecting for Blaine to do it again. And frankly, he couldn't be more excited or flattered.

"Of course. I would love that." Kurt said, trying to turn his head in order to hide his blush. But Blaine didn't miss it, and smiled to himself knowing that he had that effect on his friend.

Blaine had been inspired by the crazy events that took place the day Kurt started riding on the tour bus with him. Kurt had really gotten him thinking about trust and love. Kurt had showed him that there are still some sincere people in the world and that not everyone was out to get him. Kurt brought out a side of Blaine that Blaine didn't even know was there to begin with. Blaine had never felt so free to just be himself. Kurt brought out the best in him.

Even though they hadn't talked about the last time Blaine had serenaded Kurt yet, Blaine just assumed that they had mutually agreed to just let it go. They were content with where they were right now, and, after Kurt stuck with Blaine through all the publicity, Blaine wasn't as worried about voicing vocally how he felt for the young man.

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