Living With One Direction

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I sat there, under the sink, trembling with fear as I sat there watching the horrid scene flash before me. A man brutally beating and sexually assaulting my mother. As I just sat there helpless. With one final blow my mom collapsed to the kitchen floor. Why did today of all days, did my dad have to be gone?

I heard police sirens sound as the mystery man ran out the back door. But before he left he looked over to my moms motionless body, saying 'Im not done quite yet' and then bolting out the door. Almost immediately after he left the door was kicked in, and police walked in guns out. I climbed out of my hiding spot and crawled next to my mom. I bent down and hugged my mom, I could feel her heart beating slowly, till it stopped. Tears were falling and covering my cheeks and I sat there, her blood covering me, hugging her now lifeless body.

I was pulled away by a woman police officer. "It's okay sweetie. You'll be alright. Now I need to ask you a few questions." She brought me outside to my deck and sat down with me. "What's your name, hon?" "Kate" I said sniffling "alright Kate, how old are you?" "I'm 7" I'm 7 and my mom is gone, forever. "Can you tell me what happened Kate?" At the point it was over. It was all over, I was alone, my moms dead, I watched her die, and I couldn't do anything, it's all my fault!

"Kate? Kate? Katelyn!"

I sat up, my heart beating out of my chest. My body was covered in sweat and I could feel my cheeks wet with tears. "Kate, are you okay?" "I-I had the dream again..." "Really?" "I haven't had that in almost 8 years.. Why is it coming back?" "I don't know, sweetie." My dad pulled me into a hug and wiped away the tears. "I miss mom" I say sighing. "I do too baby, I do too. But I know mom would wants us to move on, we don't have to forget her but we can't let it interfere with our lives." "I know. Sometimes it's just hard." "It's all right sweet cheeks. Now c'mon you get ready and I'll make breakfast we have a plane to catch today!"

I stood up and kissed his cheek before walking into the bathroom. I jump in the shower to remove the sweat and get oil from my hair, out. I wash my face and then get out. Wrapping the towel around me I walk into my room once again. I pick out new underwear and a bra. And put them on, dropping my towel. "Breakfast is ready!" "Be there in a minute pops!" I pull out some shorts and my moms 'in memory' shirt from the funeral. I walk to the bathroom and put the towel back. I comb out my light brown shoulder length hair, and grab a hair tie. I grab my glasses since ill be on a plane for awhile and walk downstairs.

"Good morning! I made waffles" "thanks" I grab my plate and eat the waffle quickly. "You ready?" "As I'll ever be." I forgot to mention, my dad works in security. He's mostly for famous people so I get to travel and meet new people quite a lot. It's fun, but sometimes I wish we could just stay in one place. I grab all my bags and make sure I didn't leave anything important behind. I drag everything downstairs and to the front door. I slip on a pair of silverish grey flip flops and wait for my dad. "Lets go!"

We get in the car and he drives the 15 to the airport. Finally we get there and walk into the big building. He grabs the tickets and hands me mine. We go through security getting our bags and selves checked. This is a process I've come to know very well. They announce our plane boarding so we go and find our seats. I sit down by the window and wait. "Please fasten your seat belts and we will arrive in London in 7 hours and thirty minutes." Why do I have to live in Illinois? It's so far away from England!

I never did tell you who he's going to be security for did I? Oops. Well anyways, it's One Direction.

OH MY GOD ONE DIRECTION!!! Just kidding, I'm a fan but I've grown used to being around famous people, especially ones I like. I relaxed and waited for the plane to take off soon falling asleep.

"Kate, wake up. We're about to land." Was I asleep this whole time? Wow. I sat up and adjusted my eyes to the lights. "London, England. Please grab your items and exit the plane. Thank you for flying with Justice Airlines. Have a wonderful day!" I picked up my carry on and followed my dad into the airport. We waited for our bags and then called Simon, apparently he was picking us up then we, well my dad, were going straight to the studio to meet the boys.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Higgins." "Hello Simon, but please call me Paul" "well, Paul this must be your daughter Kate?" "Yes it is." "Nice to meet you Kate. Now lets go to the studio so you can meet the boys. Shall we?" We get into the car with our bags in back and start to the studios. "After you meet them I'll show you the house. I hope you don't mind living with 5 teenage boys. But we need someone to stay with them." "Oh of course not. It's fine" "what about you Kate?" "I'm fine with it". Living with 5 teenage boys my age and being the only girl in the house? This should be fun. "good. You will also be getting a car to use while you're here. Hopefully soon." "Thank you"

We sat in silence for a few minutes till we pulled up into a parking spot next to a decent sized building. "This is it" I hopped out and we followed him into the building. "Right this way" After going down a couple hallways we reached a room with five boys sitting with pencils and paper and a few instruments sitting with them. Intriguing. He pushed the door and everyone looked up at us.

"Boys" Simon said "This is Paul. He's your new security guard. You will also be living with him." They all stood up and said hellos shaking his hand. "Nice meeting you all" "And this, is his daughter Kate. She will also be living with you, and basically doing everything with you guys. I hope you all get along well" and with that he left. They all smiled at me and gave me quick light hugs, as if I was fragile and I would break if they hugged too hard. "Well you boys seem busy, so see you later" "bye!" They said sitting back down and getting to work.

Simon drove us to the house, which by the way is huge! And gave us our bags. We walked into the house and found our rooms. Mine was on the same floor as the boys and my dads was upstairs. Downstairs was the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Then a home studio and a game room and a small empty room all in the basement.

My room was painted purple with splatter paint walls and my closet was big, but not a walk-in. My bed was a queen size and I had a flat screen tv and a dresser for extra clothes. Then I had a desk too. I unpacked all my clothes and put them away in the proper places, and then placed away my few shoes. Next was hygienic stuff which I put most in the bathroom. Then I put the random things and whatever else I had left away and was finished.

I sat on my bed and lay down jet lag catching up to me. I took a small nap waking up feeling 100% better. I put my phone on charge considering it was about dead, and pulled out my CDs. I took out The Heist by Macklemore and out it in the DVD slot of my tv. I grabbed my notebook and sat down in the moon chair I had. I was trying to finish the music video I was planning on making to the song Change Your Life. I just needed a few more ideas, then I could start filming.

"Hey Kate!" "Oh my gosh!" I say putting my hand on my chest. "You scared the shit outta me! I didn't even hear you walk in" "oops, sorry" "anyways what do you guys want?" "Well we kinda realized we never introduced ourselves and since we're living with you now we thought we'd get to know you" "oh. Okay, but I already know who you are so we can skip that. Here you can sit on my bed"

"So how old are you?" "I'm 19" "interests?" "Making videos" "fancy! Birthday?" "October 12th" "And... I'm bored" "lets go to the game room! You'll have a blast Kate" "Sure, but will someone carry me? I don't wanna walk..." "Lazy ass" "and proud!" "I'll do it!" Louis offers. "Drop me and you won't be able to sit for a week" "geesh, okay!" He put me on his back like a piggy back ride. "I'll race you guys down there!" A hyper Niall yells, followed by everyone running through the house and me holding on for my life while I bounced all over.

"I win!" Harry shouts doing a victory dance. They all flop down into bean bag chairs in front if the screen. "Uh Louis?" "Yup?" "I'm still on your back" "so?" "Get of me!" "Fine. Here Liam you take her" he basically throws me into Liam's arms. "Hi there!" "Bye!" He said dropping me to the floor. "Ow! That hurt" I say sitting in the game chair. "You'll be fine in about 30 minutes" "great thanks"

We sit there playing Mario Kart yelling, hitting, and trying to sabotage each other. I guess this is what it's gonna be like, living with One Direction.

******************** PLEASE READ

Hi guys! Welcome to my new story! I hope you liked this chapter. And yes I will make the story interesting soon enough! Thank you for reading and I will talk to you again after the next chapter!!!!!

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