Take Off

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Zayn POV
"Here I'll take her picture upstairs to her room" I say walking up the steps. I knock in her door but get no answer. Carefully I open the door and look around. She's not in here.... "Hey guys, she's not in her room" I say walking back down. "Then where is she?" "I-I think I know..." Harry says walking from the kitchen with a paper in his hand.

We all crowded around the note and began reading. "She's gone" "back home!" "Do you think she's gone yet?!" "God I hope not." "Her room! Did she leave anything behind, Zayn?" "I don't know, I didn't pay much attention." "Then lets go check" we all bombard back to her room and through the door. All of us frantically looking around. "I found something guys" I say pulling the dress from the closet. "Hey, that's the dress Lou and I bought her" "the one she wore to the award show?" "Yeah.." "What does the paper say?" I scanned the writing over quickly. "It's basically saying how she couldn't bear to take the dress with her, and that you should give it to someone who deserves it" "what the hell..." "Guys we need to go find her" "I just hope we aren't too late"

We all scrunch back up in the car and Louis practically speeds the entire way to the airport. Making a 10 minutes trip, into 5. We all run into the airport pushing people out the way just to get there faster. We all stop at the front desk out if air and bending over. Man we need to work out more.... "Can I help you gentlemen?" "The plane.. Back to... Where does she live again?" "Illinois" "back to Illinois, has it boarded yet?" She started clicking away at her keyboard for what felt like hours. "I'm sorry sir, that flight just took off 10 minutes ago. Maybe next time" "what? Are- are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sorry" "oh, ok. Thanks" I say walking away.

We all go and sit down in silence, but it's soon broken by Niall. "I can't believe she's gone" "this is all your fault, Liam. You know that right?" Louis says glaring up at him. "What? Me?!" "Yeah, you. If you would've listened to her and trusted her like avoid boyfriend would. She wouldn't have been upset, or on her way to America!" "Well if wouldn't have kissed her I wouldn't have gotten mad that I was cheated on!" "It was an accident you prick!" "Accident my ass! You fucking kissed her on your own free will! It's not like you were forced to!"

Shut up you're making a scene!

"I'm sorry okay?! I didn't mean to! I dorm even know why I did! Why can't you get that through your thick ass skull?!" "Because it's not true!" "Fine then! Don't believe me, but why don't you believe the girl who was in tears, who had now run away TWICE because of all this. The one who locked her self away in her room for hours over all if this. If anything believe the girl who's broken" "guys.." "Do try guilt trip me louis!" "I'm not!" "Guys?!"

Quit being idiots and look!

"Yes you are you're trying to make me forgive everyone because she's hurt!" "No, I'm not! I'm trying to get you to look at the cold hard truth!" "GUYS?!!" "Shut up Niall!" ""Why won't you believe me Liam?!" "YOU TWO NEED TO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LOOK!" "Look at wh- oh my god...."

Kate's POV

"Flight 102 is now boarding"

The intercom boomed zipping me from my thoughts. I wipe away the tears that had slipped away and took a deep breath. I stood up slowly and carefully grabbed my bags. I went to security having them check all my bags, pockets, everything. 'I promise in not a terrorist just leave me alone.' Is all I could think the whole time. I just found it so annoying.

When I got to the part where I had to give them my bags to put on the plane I froze. "Miss. I'm going to need your bags." "I uh.." "Ma'am. You're holding up the line. Hand me your bags please" "but..." "Do I have to call security on you?" "I just um..." "Security!" "I-I can't!" I say running out from the line in tears. I couldn't leave them all behind. I would miss them all too much. There would always be a hole in my heart where they belong and I would never be able to fill it. I just have to stay. I can't leave them, now or ever.

I gathered myself up and started to head for the exit to catch taxi and go back to the house. Halfway there I saw a familiar curly mop and black quiff standing with three other familiar faces. I smiled and started to walk over there, well more like run as fast as I can while carrying a million suitcases and bags.

Halfway there Niall noticed me and I waved frantically. He then got Harry and Zayn's attention, also. They tried to get Louis and Liam's but they seemed busy talking. They didn't succeed till I was a few steps away and they had to scream at them. At that point I literally dropped my bags (as cheesy as it sounds) and sprinted over to them. I hugged Louis immediately and then was crowded by other bodies. When we pulled away I noticed Liam never joined and was kind of far from the group. But I didn't care, I was happy right now.

"You're still here!" "Yeah" "we thought we lost you forever. The lady said your plane had taken off. How are you still here?" "Well at one point I stopped and realized I couldn't leave you guys. I just didn't have it in me." "What made you change your mind?" "I just couldn't leave you guys. You're like family to me, now. The four brothers I never wanted" I said laughing a tiny bit. "And plus. Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten." "That was so corny" "trust me I know. But it's how I feel" "but what about you going home?" "I am home. You guys, are my home"

A/N: That was a very sappy and cheesy ending. I'm really sorry for that! But it was cute and yeah.

Also this got like 40 reads yesterday and I'm almost at 200. What the hell?! I'm so ecstatic!!!! Thank you guys so much. I love every single one of you.

I'm not sure when I'm ending this story so stick with me. But I have a feeling it'll be soon.

Comment, vote, fan, whatever you want to do! ⚓

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