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When I woke up the next morning I was alone. No Liam, Harry, Zayn, Louis, Niall. No one! I decided to go on a search party for them. I walked upstairs to the kitchen, no note, the dining room, no people, I went to the top level with our rooms and checked inside of everyone's room. Where could they be? I went back downstairs to check the living room. When I walked in I saw Louis on the couch.

"Louis?" "Yes?" "Where is everyone?" "Well they were all awake and we weren't so they left us here while they all went, well I don't know where exactly." "Oh, well looks like it's just you and me." I say squishing next to him on the couch. "Yup, the note they left said they were to be back later but Liam will be home around 12" "why just him?" "To make sure we didn't burn the house down" "oh how trusting of them" "yeah, hey can you get the mail?" "You guys get mail?" "Duh" "I just thought..." I trailing off and getting up. I open the door and open up the mail slot by the door and pull everything out. "Here ya go!" I say flopping back down. "I pull out a magazine from his hand and look at the cover.

'Louis Tomlinson of One Direction has new secret admirer' I read aloud. "Wait what?" "Let me finish reading!" I say covering his mouth. I find the page the story is on and continue. "Kate Higgins, daughter of one directions new security guard, said in a interview that she fancies Louis Tomlinson. And he seemed to return the favor. So do I smell a future relationship between the two?" "They twisted my words!" I say throwing the magazine down. "That's their job Katie" "well I hate their job." "Look at the bright side! You're in a magazine!" "Yeah that helps" I mumble. "It's okay" he says hugging me and kissing the top of my head. "Thanks Lou. You're my best friend you know that?" "Thank you, Katie. You're one of mine too" he says pulling away. I hate paparazzi.

We sat down and watched a bit of tv. Which as usual was quite boring. I don't care about your dumb products, no one likes commercials! "you hungry?" Louis asks "Quite" I say holding my stomach. "Shall we go bond while making pancakes?" "I'm pretty sure we've already bonded but, sure!"

I pulled him up off the couch and we skipped (literally) into the kitchen. "Hey Louis?" "Huh?" "Do you know how to make pancakes?" "Not the slightest clue!" "Well then lets get to it!" We pull out a box of pancake mix and a pan. I turn on the stove to the recommended heat setting and attack the pan with grease. "Katie?" I turn around to face Louis. "Wha-" I'm cut off by him throwing pancake powder onto my face. "What the hell was that for?!" "Um, I love you?" "That's not working this time Tomlinson! It's on!" I grab a handful of mix and smash it all over his face and clothes. "I take that I love you back" he says walking towards me with mix behind his back. He dumps it all over my head and it starts to go down my clothes. We go on like this for about 10 minutes till we both surrender.

I look around at the mess we've created the kitchen to be. "Are we going to clean this up?" "Nope!" I look into the bowl where the pancake powder was. "Um, we have about enough to make 2 mini pancakes..." "Then lets make 2 mini pancakes!" We add the needed ingredients and mix em all up the put two small circles of mix onto the pan. "How do we know when to flip them?" I ask sitting on the counter. "When they catch on fire" he says sitting on my lap. "You're heavy, and no, that's when we call the fire department" At one point we decide to flip them. "I think we burnt them a bit" "eh, just added flavor!"

When the other side is done we take them to the table. I drown mine in syrup and we both take a bite. "This tastes like crap" "it does" both of us shrug and continue eating. When you're hungry you eat anything. Once we finished we threw our plates in the sink. I looked at the clock, 11 o'clock. "Now what shall we do?" "I honestly don't know" "lets go to the living room and figure something out" "will you carry me?" "What? No!" "You sat on my lap!" "Fine, hop on" he says motioning to his back. "Yay!" I hop on and hold tight. "Lets go!" He says then runs into the living room full speed. He sits on the couch me still behind him. "This is just like the first day we met" I say laughing. "Except I didn't do this that day" he says turning around. "Huh?" I was answered by Louis tickling my waist and stomach. "Oh my gosh! Stop it please!" "Never in a million years" "fine then" I start to tickle him back and we are both squirming on the couch laughing our heads off, both faces red.

"What can I do to make it stop?!" I yell in panic. "Release the button dummy!" "Oh..." I say letting go of the button on the remote. Louis and I had been playing Grand Theft Auto for almost an hour, and honestly, I suck. "You're a bloody genius" "and you're a bloody loser!" I say crossing my arms over my chest. "You wanna say that again?" He asks getting really close to me. "You're. A. Bloody. Loser." I say sticking my tongue out at him. He then tackles me causing me to lean back on the couch. "Now, what did you say about me being a loser?" He ask getting up close to my face. "A loser?" I ask. "I meant, I love you! Stupid autocorrect" "we're not texting Kate" "oh, uh, oopsy?" "Oopsy is right" he says grabbing my wrists. "Uh oh..." I say then try to squirm out of his grip only causing him to grab tighter. "You aren't going anywhere" he says a tint of laughter in his voice. We just stare at each other not knowing what to do or say next. I could feel his breath on me because of our close distance, and it tickled, it also felt really awkward...

He eventually closed the gap between us and kissed my lips. At first I didn't move but then started to kiss back. I started to get lost in the kiss forgetting everything around me. I wish I didn't though, because I didn't hear the door open and someone walk in. "What the hell is going on?!" Liam....

########PLEASE READ########

Gah! Thank you guys for the 100 reads! This is the first story I've actually kept up on wattpad and felt proud of so I'm really excited! I literally screamed when I saw the amount if reads. So thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

Now I finally put something interesting in the story! Woohoo! Maybe know you guys won't hate the story anymore. But anyways Louis and Kate? Huh, I literally wasn't going to make it this way but I guess I changed my mind!

Please comment, vote, and tell your friends! And again thank you for the 100 reads! Love you all💚

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