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Kate POV

"Put me down! Please!" "alright!" *thud* "Ow!" "you said to put you down" "I didn't mean like that!" "too late" "I hate both of you" "you know you secretly love us" "whatever helps you sleep at night." I mumble standing up. "oh my god! What is this mess?!" "we were just messing around" "are you sure about that? Cause it looks as if a tornado came in and destroyed the living room!" "oopsy?" "since when did you care if this place was a mess? Especially since you're usually the one making it?" "since just now?" "exactly" "but seriously, what were you doing?" "Well, Louis the great and powerful nosy one, your pals Zayn and Harry decided to grab me by my arms and legs and swing me around the entire living room. and then dropped me on my arse." "sucks to be you" "Hey! I thought you would defend me!" "you thought wrong. Where's Niall and Liam." "I don't know. isn't my day to watch them" I say exiting the living room and walking up the steps into my room.

You see, it's been about a month since the airport incident. I haven't really talked to Liam like I used to, it's not like we hate each other. We actually talked and decided to become friends again, most likely keeping it that way. But I believe that's better for the both of us. Everything has been a million times better with all of us and we're just like one big happy family. Just how I like it. The tour has been amazing, experiencing all of this is mind boggling. I can't even comprehend how it makes me feel.

I lay down on my bed just to be disturbed moments later by all 5 boys walking in. "Hey sweet thang!" "Isn't that off of suit life of zack and Cody?" "Maybe..." "Anyways, whatcha need?" I ask handing my head off the end of the bed and looking at them upside down. "Do you want to go shopping?" "Sure! But for what?" "We're bored and plus your dad kicked us out of the house while he cleans up, I quote, 'Tornado Alley'. " "then lets go!" I say sitting up. I grab some money and my phone then follow everyone out the door.

"What about security? I thought you weren't allowed anywhere without it?" "We have it they're just under cover." "Like spies!" "Ohhhh got it" All of us squish into the car as Louis drives. He's like our personal driver. Once we reach the mall we all race to the door. Niall lost and Louis won. Figures.

"Where to first?" "Could we go to the rides?" "That's for little kids" "what's your point?" "That was it" "well then get moving!" We all run for the rides and hop on our favorites. After the first round we all got out or off our ride. "Hey guys?" "C'mon Liam get out so we can switch" "there's one tiny problem.." "What?" "I'm stuck" "Liam..." We all gather around and start pulling and pushing to get him stuck. This is going to be long day.

After we finished shopping and getting each other unstuck from rides we decide to head home. I walk up to my room exhausted from the long day and flop on my bed. I close my eyes and attempt to relax. "Hey Kate! Wanna go swimming?" "Where?" "In L.A!" I smile and laugh. You never get a break with these boys. But hey, that's what it's like living with One Direction.


Well, that's the end of it! I was gonna give you guys. Few more chapter but it seemed like a good place to end. And i ran out of ideas. But, I hope you guys liked this story. It was really fun to write for you guys. And I'm going to make other stories also. So if you want to you can read those. Thank you for reading and I really appreciate it. I love you guys and yeah. Bye💕

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