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"Kate?" "Mmm" I whine into the pillow. "Kate." "Go away" I mumble switching positions. "Please Katie?" Katie? Oh well. "I sit up and rub my eyes. "What?" "I need to talk to you." I blink a bit so I could see who it was. Liam? "Uh ok? What about" I say moving over do he could sit with me. "I can't take it anymore" "take what?" "Everything! The hate on me and to people I care about, never getting to see my family, always being surrounded by security, and not being able to live my life and be me" "Liam, hate is normal even I get hate just cause I know you and they think 'I'm gonna take their man!' And your family understands you not being able to physically see them, but you talking to then in some way is pretty close. And security, without it you'd be mauled by teenage girls everyday. They're more important than you think. Now the being yourself thing, is your fault. You can be whoever you want famous or not, it's your decision. You don't like how all this is do you? But this is what you wanted! Why else would you get told no in 2008 them come back two years later to try again for the same thing?" "You get hate? I'm sorry" "it's nothing I've been getting it since I was 13." "And I guess you're right about everything. I just need to calm down a bit. That's all. Thanks jade" "no problem Liam. I'm here for you whenever" "thanks, again. Good night" "night" I say laying down as he shuts the door. That was random.

"Kate! Kate! Kate! Wake up!" "Never!" I yell covering my whole body under the blanket. "Fine then, it's war! C'mon lads!" They all started tickling me, which for a normal person wouldn't be bad cause they really only have one ticklish spot, but being me all of me is ticklish. I started laughing, and hiccuping, trying to roll out of their grasps. "Surrender!" "No!" At that point I started elbowing and hitting their hands In hope that they'd stop. "We won't stop till you do" "fine then!" I continued to try and stop them kinda outbid breath. "Ok! Ok! You win, ill get up!" "Victory!"

They pulled the blanket back to reveal me red in the face and a few tears from laughter brimming my eyes. "Good morning love!" "Hello jerk faces." "You know, we try to be nice but you don't help much" "yeah, I know!" "Boys? Is she up?" "Yeah! We're bringing her down!" "What?" "Breakfast is ready so we were told to wake you up" "well thank you so much for doing that!" I say full of sarcasm. "Someone carry me." I say reaching up my arms. "Well I can't the doctor said..." "Too weak sorry..." "I only lift plates" "I did it last time." "No" "well forget you guys too!" I say huffing and standing up.

We all walk to the kitchen where we see A LOT of cereal. It's basically a buffet if it. "Looks go to me!" I say sitting down with everyone. "So what's today's plan daddy?" "We have a cd signing, then an interview, and a concert again." "Man, you guys have a boring job. I need to start bringing entertainment to these things." "Meanie" "well actually Kate..." "My dad trails off. "Well actually Kate what?" "You won't be bored today cause you'll be interviewed with them!" "What?!" "Surprise?" "Why? I'm not famous like them." "Well you're a girl that is there age, and you now live with them. And it's kind of a big thing in One Direction news" "oh great. I hate you guys" "love you too!" "Alright everyone go get ready for the signing, clothes for the interview will already be there" We all get up from the table and go to our rooms.

An Interview really? I'm not famous, I'm the security guards daughter, not Oprah! I'm not likings being in the spotlight, at all. I pull out a random outfit and wait for the shower to be unoccupied. Once it is I hop in do my thang and get out. I get dressed putting my glasses on- thought I would mix it up a bit- and was finished. I grabbed my phone and hopped to the living room with everyone else. "Ready to go?" "Yuppers" We all piled into the car and headed to the signing.

"So where is this thing?" "It's just at the mall." "What am I supposed to do while you guys are doing your thang and my dad is doing his. Change into a cheerleading outfit and cheer on the sidelines for you?" "Sure!" "Harry, no. But seriously what do I do?" "You could go around and talk to fans waiting in line? I mean they all know who you are by now" "sounds fun. I'm the official greeter"

We pull up to the mall and are escorted inside. They sit down and I look at the line. There has to be at least a thousand people here. This is crazy. I know I've been to one of these before but never this big.... "Kate, have fun!" "Yeah you too" I say walking towards the line of people. I decide to start at the front and work my way back.

"Oh my gosh! You're Kate Higgins!" "That's me! Nice to meet you." "So is it fun living with the boys?" "They're like the 5 brothers I never wanted" I say with a wink. "Well I'm gonna go talk around some more lovely talking to you." Walk on down the line and see a girl crying. "What's wrong babe?" "I-I'm just s-so excited!" "Well here a tissue to wipe your eyes. Now calm down! Otherwise you won't be able to talk to them when you get up there, silly!" "Thanks" "Kate! Kate over here!" I look for where my name is coming from and walk over to a jumping little girl. "Hey sweet cheeks, what's your name?" "My name is Jessy." "Well hi Jessy you're a pretty girl." "Thank you. And i have a present for you!" "For me?" "Yeah! I was gonna give it to them to give to you, but now I met you! Here you go!" "Why thank you" I open up a little bag and pull out a bracelet that was homemade. 'Jessy <3 Kate' "it's so amazing thank you Jessy!" I say putting it on then hugging her. I walk through the crowd to A group of girls. "Hey there girls" "get away from us" "excuse me?" "We know who you are!" "Oh really? Who am I?" "Your Kate the whore that's trying to get it with all the boys. That's the only reason you're here." "I'm not trying to 'get it' with anyone! I'm Paul's daughter who's tagging along because her mother is dead, and she has no where else to go! Thank you very much. So next time don't judge someone before you really know them." "Oh and watch your mouths!" I say walking away.

I visit a few more people then it's over and things are being torn down. "Hey Kate, how'd t go?" "Good for the most part. How about with you?" "Fantastic they gave us so many nice things and we met so many fans and its perfect." "C'mon everyone interview time." We all raced to the car and held on for dead life as we sped down the streets to make the interview on time. Luckily we weren't pulled over! Once we got to the studio each boy had their hair done and outfits changed. "Alright Kate. Your turn." Lou says tapping the seat. She curls my hair and adds glitter to it them puts makeup on me. Then I was changed into a not really fancy dress and was finished. It was that easy!

They did some questions alone, and then I was called out to be interviewed with them. I was shaking as I walked onto the platform, I was so nervous. The man hugged me and I sat down next to Zayn on the couch. "So, Kate. How are you liking being with One Direction?" "It's really fun and it feels like I gained 5 brothers" "aww Kate!" Zayn says hugging me. "So we know you've been around famous people before with your dad but, was it anything like this?" "No, not all. Firstly the other people were more quiet and the fans weren't nearly as loud and crazy as Directioners" "All famous people get hate, so, do you take part in this?" "Of course I do. People think they know me then judge me behind a computer screen. All I can do is ignore it" "so, do you have any secrets no one knows?" "Um not really" I lied. "Sorry" "it's fine, now do you have a crush on someone at the moment?" "Maybe, I'm not sure yet, it could just be a phase" "is it one of the boys?" "No offense guys, but no, it's not" "alrighty! Ladies and gentleman One Direction! And Kate Higgins!" He says as we walk off the stage. I'm such a horrible liar....

"Thank you for coming out tonight! We love you all!" Niall says into the microphone then they run off the concert finished. "Good job guys" "thanks Katie" "seriously? Why are you calling me Katie?" "It's different. That's why" "whatever you say..." "Lets go home! I'm tired" "agreed" We all climbed into the car and went straight home.

I changed into my normal sweats and a shirt then walked into the living room. I thought it'd be fun to watch a movie. Now, what movies do they have? "Peter Pan!" It's my favorite Disney film of all time. And Peter Pan is my idol! Is that odd? Oh well. I ran to my room and shoved it into the DVD played. I pressed play and sat in my bed. I used to watch this movie every night before going to sleep, that is, until my mom died. We always watched it together, it was our thing. I snuggled into the covers and quickly fell asleep.

If I could have one thing in the entire world, it'd be to have my mom back....


This chapter is sucky and boring I'm sorry! I have a plan to make the next one interesting and different!

Anyways thanks for reading! Really appreciated. Also please comment feedback and ideas for this story. Oh and dont forget to tell your friends about this story, and check out my other one: Accident.

Thanks, love you!💟

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