The Plan

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Louis POV <-------- ooooh different!

"what was that all about?" Niall questioned looking over at me. "w-why are you asking me....?" "well, considering you spent all day with her, its kind of obvious..." "Hey! Liam was, well is, here too!" "Liam! What happening between her and Liam?' "well, um..." "Louis what happened?!" "it was an accident I swear! You see we were poking around at each other and then started wrestling and then I was hovering over her and we were laughing at each other, then I might've accidently kissed her....' "you what?! Louis what hell man! Why would you do that to him, to both of them?" "in my defense she kissed backed!" "Louis!" "I know I know! I'm really sorry and it was kind of an in the moment on instinct accident type thing! I didn't want to, and I don't know why I did but I feel so guilty and now I desperately want to fix everything because I'm a total douchebag for doing this" "that's great but now will you explain what happened between them exactly?" "well, Liam walked in while we were kissing then she jumped up and tried to explain everything apologizing a million times and then he blamed, like he should have, and so I said what happened and that I didn't mean to and never wanted to hurt him in a million years and that I was so sorry. And I really am, its killing me inside, and so then Katie asked for him to trust her and he said that he couldn't then left to his room, I'm guessing, and so then she ran out the door leaving me alone. Next you guys walked in and then like you saw she came back and ran into her room" I say tearing up from the guilt. "I think we need to talk to them"

I walked to Katie's room with Harry and Niall and Zayn took Liam. I'm just hoping we can do something for them. This is all my fault so Its my job to fix this. I have no other options. I knocked on the door gently "Katie can we talk to you?" "I-I don't want to talk to a-anyone" "Its Louis and Harry. We just want to make sure you're okay" Harry speaks up. We hear shuffling and then then a click as the door opens. We carefully walk in and shut the door behind us. Immediately as we walk in she attacks us in a hug. "oh, Katie... I'm really sorry" I say squeezing her. We walk over to the bed with her and sit. "Katie are you okay?" "no..." she croaks out. "Everything will be fine, we're going to do something to fix this. More importantly we're going to make you happy again." "I-is Liam upset over this?" "We don't know yet. That's what Niall and Zayn are doing now." "but we're sure he's just as beat up as you are. This isn't easy for either of you. But it'll all be okay, I promise"

Niall POV <----- he he he

"c'mon zayn" I say motioning towards the door. I knock and then hear a muffled groan signaling we can walk in. I push open the door and she a stressed Liam. Definitely not he usual self. "hey buddy... We heard the news.." I said quietly as we walked closer to him "I don't want to talk about it!" he growled at us causing us to jump back. "Liam, we have to! This needs to be fixed, we can see you're hurt so its time to make everything back to normal. Now lets get talking" Zayn says walking at him. "I just can't believe she would do this to me. I realize we've only been together for a little bit but, I jus thought...." "Liam, you need to look at it from her point of view. She didn't kiss him and as soon as she heard you she got away. You of all people should know she would never want to hurt you. And Louis feels so guilty and its killing him on the inside. They both want to take everything back and re-start that day all over" "what? So they can just make out again?!" "god dammit Liam, shut up!" Zayn yells getting annoyed. "While you're in here just being angry at everyone and not thinking and giving people chances, Kate is in their crying and in pain because it seems she's the only one that actually has a heart." "I do have a heart!" "then show it!"

After staring at each other for a few minutes with death glares, and me sitting there awkwardly, I broke the stare down. "You know, you're going to have to hide all of this and lie to the media and paparazzi. They can't see you angry all the time, I mean no one evens know that you and Kate are going out for god's sake!" "were going out. And I know fake smiles and happy energy. I can't let the fans see me like this or have the media wonder what's going on. Trust me I got this. I'll act like nothing is wrong out in public, or even here. I will be happy and cheery inside and outside this house." "good. Now can you go and talk to Kate and work things out?" "I don't think I can, no. I still don't believe her....."

Louis POV

After talking to Katie and trying to calm her down, nothing working, we went back downstairs leaving her in the same, maybe worse, state as before. Now I feel worse than I did before walking in. Both of us collapsed onto the couch and sighed. "well, we tried" harry said trying for a smile. "not good enough though. She's still crying and upset." "maybe Niall and Zayn got something with Liam" he says making it sound like a question."i wish we did but we got nothing." Niall says as they sit down across from us. "So how is she?" "a crying, and in pain mess" "Man, I feel sorry for the poor girl." "me and you both" "what about you guys and Liam?" "nothing. He's still mad, and doesn't believe that she is sorry. He won't talk to her, and we just can't get through to him." "Maybe we need a plan to show him what she's really feeling." "but, without her knowing what's going on" "I think we should maybe give it all a few days first though. They may get everything figured out without us having to take it into our own hands. I mean, we can only hope." "exactly, but till then I think I have the perfect plan..."

A/N: I actually have a decent plan that I came up with at like 1 in the morning the other night. But that's beside the point! I'm not sure If I should let them get back together or keep them separate. but I guess I have a while before I need to figure that out!

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter, and the story in general! Thank you all so much for reading and I love you all for everything you've every done!

comment, vote, fan, tell other people, do whatever the heck you want!

10 reads for the next chapter, and maybe a few comments? I don't know ;p

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