Take me Home

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Please read till the absolute end!!!!

Kate's POV

I had been sitting in my room for about an hour. No one had talked to me, knowing I wouldn't respond. All I could do was cry. I didn't want to, but it's all my body would let me do. By this point all I wanted to do was go home, back to America and live there. I could actually go to college, get a job, have a normal for once. It would be the perfect life. But yeah right, like I could do that...

I lay down on the pillows just to sit back up immediately. Maybe I can... Go back I mean. I'm 19 and I should have enough money to get a one way plane ticket. I could move in with someone until I have enough money to get an apartment. Yeah. I can do this! And I will. But when will I get the chance?

I sat back down to continue thinking, eventually falling asleep from stress I'm guessing. About an hour or two later someone knocked on the door waking me up. I watched as they slid a folded up piece of paper under the door and into my room then saw the shadow fade away. I got up and bent down to pick up the paper. After unfolding the seemingly never ending note I opened it up carefully.

"Going to tonight's concert, we should be back in a few hours. Stay safe, and we hope you start to cheer up soon. Maybe we'll be able to bring home something for you. See you tonight.

Love, One Direction (and your dad)"

"Perfect" I mumble to myself. I pull out all of my suitcases and bags and set them out. I stuff all my clothes into random bags, then get everything from the bathroom, and basically whatever else I needed. I hurriedly crammed them into random bags for almost an hour. I have a lot of stuff. I stepped back to do a final check, "I almost forgot!" I say to my empty room. I took out the dress and shoes Harry and Louis bought me and scribbled a note.

"Dear Lou and Harry,

Thank you for buying me this, but I couldn't possibly take this back home. Give it to someone who deserves it


Satisfied I get all my bags and drag them down the stairs. I sit them down to write my final goodbye to everyone.

"Dear, well everyone,

Thank you all for the best time I could possibly have. You were like the brothers I never had. I really don't want to leave you, but I just have to. For myself. I'll greatly miss all of you, so much. And dad, sorry to leave you. I'm going home where it's safe though. Thanks for bringing me along in this amazing trip. I'll miss you all, and I love you. I guess I better be going or ill miss the flight. Bye guys.

Sincerely, Katelyn "

I wipe away a few stray tears then put it on the counter right where they will, hopefully, see it. I pick up my bags once again and leave out the door. I call a taxi to drive me to the airport. Once I get there I get my ticket and sit down to wait. For two hours.... This is gonna be long.

As I was walking to get a drink I heard my name. "Katelyn!" I turned around immediately, secretly hoping it'd be my dad, one of the boys, or maybe even Liam. But alas it was a stranger calling to what seems to be his wife across the hall. Causing my heart to sink a little. I sat back down in the uncomfortable chairs and sighed. What am I doing?

I honestly can't believe that I'm doing this. Never in a million years did I think this would ever be happening. When I was younger I always picture me being 18/19 as graduating then starting college in the fall for whatever I had chosen. Then I'd still visit during breaks at home and chat with my mom and occasionally my dad if he was home from working at this time. Being happy and proud of myself with not a single care in the world. Then I was going to get married and have kids and live, what I thought would be, happily ever after. But I guess that's down the drain now.

I relax in the chair and start going through the memories I shared with the boys. Sure there can't be that many as I've only known them a limited amount of time, but the ones we shared were mostly grand. I remember meeting them the first time and it was so awkward! My plan was to ignore them at all costs just so it wouldn't be weird. Then they decided to scare me and introduce themselves then we raced down to the game room and spent out night like that. And shopping with Harry and Louis was probably the most entertaining thing I could've done my whole life. The award show was fantastic meeting so many people I only ever dreamed of seeing in real life. And once even at soundcheck we had a nerf gun war. I kinda lost.

As I remembered all of these memories they played back in my mind like a mini movie. Showing every smile, laugh, push, shove, wink, dimple, smirk, wrestling match, everything. Now that I look back and remember all of this, I can't help but thinking. 'Do I really want to do this?'


A/N: I wasn't going to actually have this happen but halfway through writing I thought of this idea and changed it. So sorry if this isn't as good.

Also! Please, please, please! Read my other stories, I added two more last night I would love you forever if you read them. Thank you so much if you do!

Last thing! Would someone pretty please make a cover for this story? I don't like mine. All it has to do is have the story title and maybe the boys. If you make one either message me or kik me! @KaylaMarie_1999

10 reads for the next chapter?

Till then, buh bye!!!! ⚓

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