Dream Catch Me - Chapter Eleven

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I could hear the clicking sound of a pen well before I decided to open my eyes. The continuous clicking almost sending me into unconsciousness again as the pen sounded over and over again. Click, click, click. The lulling nervous pattern of someone in the room let me know I wasn't alone in the room. This room didn't have the echo sound of the nurses office either. The equation as to where I was or what room I was in was too hard to solve as I waited for the fog in my head to clear.

I knew I should've eaten something before I crashed and fully lost all the energy in my body. All the running I do I try to keep a balanced diet getting enough carbs to keep me going. But it seemed this time I failed. Even after Fletch's wise words of "don't do anything suspicious in front of Mr. Hunter" I couldn't help it. Well that reminds me. Mr. Hunter. The consequences of what will happen after I finally decide to open my eyes are unknown but I hope it doesn't bring too much attention to myself again to some sort of authorities. Not like last time.

The bullying was so bad that the teachers, while they didn't give a shit as to whether or not I was suffering, we're getting sick of the hassles around it. Not over my emotional state or my injuries, the teachers of the large school with an excess amount of students were more concerned about how it made the school look bad and that I was the problem.

This ended in the teachers reporting my bullied self to the child protection services thinking there must be some underlying problem at home. To be honest, there was, but I hid it well enough for no one to find out. But by no time at all, my mother had uprooted us out of fear and here we were.

When I decided to finally open my eyes, they squinted due to the bright light of the fluorescents hanging from the roof. The slight movement of my head causing a shuffling sound and the clicking noise stopped. I heard a chair scrape against the ground and a person rushing over to me.

My eyes adjusted to the brightness and I saw Mr. hunter before me kneeling in front of the couch I was lying on. He grabbed my upper arms and helped me into a sitting position. As a reflex my squinted closed again as my hand reached to my head nursed it as the lack of energy had brought on a thumping headache.

"You know I'm the counsellor right, Jane?" he said so quietly it was almost a whisper. Mr. Hunter was still holding on to my arms, holding me upright and preventing me from toppling over. I didn't answer his question, which he must have taken my silence for a yes.

"I should report this, or make an official document. It's what I have to do with all of my cases." he sighed heavily as if he were trying to decide something or was having an internal conflict of sorts.

"But I feel like that wouldn't help you Jane. I've been sitting here thinking of solutions to this problem, and don't deny that there is a problem because you and I both know there is." His voice started to go very 'teacher like' while I remained silent. He slowly let go of my arms and set me onto the back of the couch making sure I wasn't moving anywhere. Mr. Hunter started to pace in front of me, back and forth back and forth rubbing his chin in a thinking manner.

"Okay!" he suddenly said a little louder causing me to jump.

"If you tell me the real problem here Jane, I won't report or record this incident..so..?" he said prompting me to talk.

I opened my mouth to speak only to realise it felt like it was full of cotton from being thirsty. My voice croaked out unrecognisable words before I motioned for a glass of water or something to drink.

His eyes widened a little, as if realising he forgot something. He mumbled something that sounded like "I promised Fletch.." as he left the room through the solid wood door of what I now notice to be his office with 'counsellor' in stickers across the door.

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