The diamond celestial key

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Lucy's POV
"OIIIII MATTE, NATSUUUUUU!" I said running up to him
"Oh Luce I was just about to pick a-"
"Wait isn't *cough* it my turn to choose" I said trying to regain my energy
Natsu stopped looking at the jobs and grinned "Right sorry Luce"
I blush slightly and look away "it's okay..."
"SHE LIIIIIIIIIIIKES HIM~" Happy says while 'someone' taking photos of Lucy blushing at Natsu
"SHUT UP YOU STUPID CAT!" I say while Natsu just glares at him
I then turn and look at the jobs and I see one where it says 'I need help planning and designing a marriage, please sent help!!' (a/n I couldn't think of a job sorry...hehe...) I then looked at the price and it says "10,000 yen"
"That seems good enough" said Natsu who scared the hell out of me.
I jumped and asked "Natsu do you even know what a marriage is..." "YEA I TOTALLY KNOW WHAT IT MEANS!" "Natsu..." "I do -.-" "tell me what it is then"
Natsu stares at me in shock "eto....its a....umm...." I glare at him while he just looks away pouting
*sigh* "Baka," I walked up to Mira "Mira were taking this job"
Mira's eyes wonder around the paper while she smirks and begins day dreaming
"Eto...Mira? MIRAAAA!!!!"
"Sure Lucy anything for you huehuehue...."
Did she just laugh weirdly or...never mind. She then stamped the paper and me,Natsu,and Happy went off to the train
*time skip because I'm too lazy*
We finally arrived to the place while I'm carrying Natsu...of course...
As I enter the gates, Natsu feels better and walks on his own.
"Wow this reminds me a lot like my old house..."
"Aye! But don't you mean mansion"
I ignored Happy and I knock on the door "Fairy Tail is here to help with the marriage planning and designing"
I hear the door creak open "ah yes please enter" we were greeted by a white haired girl with dog ears and tail and green eyes. (a/n keep her in mind she's very important btw she's not a zodiac)
We both walked in "thank you for helping"
"Just call me Lucy and this is Happy and Natsu"
"Oh alright Lucy,Natsu, and Happy" her eyes wondered towards Happy when her eyes turn into hearts
"KYAAAA!!! WHAT A KAWAII KITTY!!!" She said while she hugs happy (a/n you know how when excited girls/guys have a sharp tooth out Yesh imagine that on her)
"HEY HANDS OFF OF HAPPY" Natsu yelled while running towards her
When Natsu is read to punch her she quickly dodges and kicks him to the air. Her eyes then turned red "don't you ever dare..."
"Another....Erza @-@"
"Cute kitty~" she says while petting Happy
'Fish...' Happy would always
"Kitty wants fish? I'll get you some ^.^"
She then runs off to get happy a fish while I am dumbfounded
*time skip*
Annnnnnd done!
We had finally finished the marriage planning and decorating.
"Arigato Lucy-chan! Oh wait my master should be saying this" she then disappears in a flash
"Thank you both instead of just giving you a 10,000 yen I would also give you a diamond key"
"You see Lucy it didn't take me long to figure out that you were a celestial spirit passed daughter use to be a celetial spirit holder"
"But what's this keys name"
"Oh her name is Mitty the Wolf"
"Mitty the Wolf?"
"Yes just watch" he sticks out the key "Mitty the Wolf"
A fire mixed with ice and water spawned when it had faded out we were all shocked
"You needed me si-"
"YOU WERE THE SAME GIRL AS BEFORE" Natsu yelled in anger while Happy hides behind him (a/n why you always lying why you always lying #TheLiesAreReal)
"Mitty I need you to be free Lucy will be the one you need to protect. Please make a contract with her"
"Right, Lucy-chan, I am available anytime, any day, any where." She smiles at me while eyeing Natsu and Happy
"Cya soon" she winks and sticks out her tongue and disappears
*time skip inside the train*
"Mitty the Wo-" before I even finished she came out
"No need for that Lucy-chan, I'm a very powerful zodiac key"
She smirks "you remember when my eye turned red when Natsu had attacked me?"
I nod and she continues "you see my personality changes that was my angry mode, gray is no emotions, blue is sad, pink is embarressed, purple is when I become badass! And I forgot the rest" she laughed "I'm as strong as Aquarius and Leo combined" I looked at her confused "you see I can control anything, Mia told her father to keep me from getting into the wrong hands" her eyes then become blue as she remembers her past. She shakes it off and becomes normal "I'm the only source that could beat Zeref, who is not an evil person like E.N.D" her eyes turn red "and once I get my hands on Zeref and E.N.D I will murder them both, no mercy" her hand clutched the necklace she had on her neck. She then mumbled the only words I could make out were 'killed and family'
"Anyways cya Lucy-chan~" she had disappeared inside her key
*time skip*
3rd POV
Once they had made it to the guild, Gray ran up to Natsu getting ready to fight him. When suddenly someone stopped Grays punch and defended him.
Can you guys guess who that person was???? Huehuehue evil little me cya on my next chapter

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