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Mittys POV
A week after we found out Kitty was a demi-god we found out she was bestfriends with all animals. Shes also great with a bow and arrow and a spear of course. Kitty can also see the future! But...Lela has been acting strange she always laughs evilly...i have a bad feeling about today. Even Kitty said that in her dream Lela was standing next to E.N.D and Zeref smiling evilly and she was bloody...
"Mitty i had a dream about Lela..." I looked at Kitty "really?" Lela was at the super market at the moment. "Yes...it looked so real...i think its going to happen soon..." I then had a frown "Lela is the nicest girl she wouldnt do anything...but explain what happened." "Lela was standing near E.N.D and Zeref. I was on the floor bloody and i tried to stop you from killing Lela...you didnt listen your eyes were a mixture of red and purple and your hair turned black. Renn, Blake, and Liam were hurt in the infirmary. Rouge was trying to pick me up bridal style without hurting me" she paused and blushed "then you used a spell to defeat Lela, Zeref, and E.N.D but the weird thing was is that E.N.D looked a lot like N-" she was cut off by her eyes going small and she fainted on the floor.
~End Of Flashback~
Shes all better now though...however how did she faint...
"Hello beautiful lady~" Blake said trying to cheer up Kitty. "OH SHUT IT YOU!" I glared as Kitty slightly blushed since she doesnt get too much compliments. I then noticed something. Her eyes...they change color? I thought i was the only one who- "Dont think about it too much Mitty" Kitty looked at me as if she was reading my mind. Rouge then walked in the room with purple orchards and put it in a vase near Kitty. She then started blushing crazy. But then she froze and got up. "Kitty? You cant sta-" She then cut me off "shes here" she then ran out and we followed. She then had her armor on that her mother gave her and made a spear pop out.
She then looked towards us and turned. "Its Lela...Shes-" She was cut off by us trying to warn her but she didnt listen. Lela appeared behind her holding a sword getting ready to strike. As soon as the sword almost hit Kitty, Kitty turned and pulled up her spear. "So i see your mothers skills havent left you..." Kitty was struggling keeping her from striking at her. "Oh.. Nevermind Mwhahahaha!" Kitty then pulled out a shield with Medusas head on it...Aegis... She then hit Lela with it so she would back up. When i looked at her arm blood was dripping. But...how "I see you have popped out a dagger and scratched my arm.." Lela then smirked and took out her dagger spinning it. Then Kitty disappeared. When i looked around i saw a girl with a black cape running quickly as if she was a ninja. I then realized she was using Artemis's power. She pulled out a bow and took out a arrow and shot towards Lela. Lela then caught the arrow and threw it back at Kitty. Kitty dodged and turned around with a sly smile. "BLACK SWORD ATTACK" Lela said and black swords attacked Kitty as Kitty didnt notice. Kitty then disappeared...when the swords stopped attacking Kitty, she stood up as half of her face was bloody as she still smirked. Her eyes turned midnight blue. She had a cape with a moon on it. She then made a arrow shoot towards Lela as she slowly noticed what happened and then Lela fell on the floor hit with the arrow.
I felt a presence and turned and saw...
Zeref... And Natsu?  I looked at Kitty with confused eyes as her eyes turn gray like Athena's eyes. "Zeref and E.N.D..."
"Yes it stands for Ethorise (a/n SORRY ILL FIX IT LATER) Natsu Dragneel..."  Lucy then ran up hearing what Kitty said. "N-no way..." Her brown eyes went small "N-Natsu..." We then heard a scream. We turned and saw...
Sorry to end it here but Cliffhangers <3 anyways R-ROUGE?! 0///0
T-thanks... J-Ja no i mean JE NA I MEAN JA NE!! >///<
Ja ne -Rouge
Kitty are you ok? -Rouge
J-just fine...
Ja N-ne AAAAAAAH -Blake
0///0 Kitty likes me? -Rouge

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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