chapter 5:the awakening part 1

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Âgé çõúñt: 16

Sasuke,naruto,sakura,kabuto,daddy and some of the other villagers come to my birthday party. I sit at the dining table and blow out the candles and smile everyone claps.

After opening the presents and doing all the fun games I sit on the couch and watch everyone as they talk to each other enjoying each others company.

Daddy sits next to me and hugs me "you've grown so big my deary"orochimaru says. I smile and hug back "thank you daddy i love you"i say then i get up and join the others as daddy watches and smiles then frowns.

"Your happiness well soon fade away im sorry deary"orochimaru whispers.

I laugh and talk with my friends and teases kabuto and annoys sasuke and plays with naruto and girl talks with sakura.

"Today is the best day of my life I'm so glad to be alive"

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