chapter 11:Jeriaya no

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Age count:17

(p.s this chapter will be a little inappropriate for younger veiwers)

Jiraiya puts his arm around my shoulder "hey yuki you looking fine today"he says.

"Did he hit puberty""i say "Yep he hit puberty"tsunade says. "B-but ;^; "Jiraiya says.

Me and tsunade leave him alone to weep tears of sadness and virginity "he'll be ok"i say "yep"tsunade says.

"Tomorrow is kabuto's birthday so you can come sense your my friend"i say "omg thank you T~T "tsunade says crying tears of joy.

I laugh and pat her back "your funny tsunade thats why your my best friend"i say "is that all you like about me ;^; "she says.

"Well i like your hair, that cool mark on your forehead, kindness, interests and your boobs"i say and tsunade yells out "what is it with people liking my boobs!"

I look at her straight in the face while squeezing her boobies
"their big . soft . pillows"i say.

"Yea your right about that"tsunade says and i nod and we talk as i we walk home leaving Jiraiya alone but no one cares about him except for his fans that watch naruto.. Damn it I'm breaking the forth wall

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