chapter 21:true self

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Age count:.......

"I'm sorry but i have to go"i say and he nods and i ran away from sasuke,the shrine and the festival.

I'm sorry Sasuke but i have to finish this once in for all...for kabuto...cause i care about him more than anyone else.

After finding the keys to the laboratory i go down stairs to the basement and unlock the door to the lab its full of things dad has been working on for years.

As i walk i suddenly stop when i see kabuto staring deeply at the tank of water with a replica of him in it.

He turns to see me his eyes are more snake like and his hair is cut and his skin...its hard to explain that but what I'm trying to say is that he changed.

"Hello...miss yuki"he says then smirks "have you came here to die cause if so I'd gladly kill you"he says then walks toward me then stops infront of me.

He cuff my chin with his hand forcing me to look up at him "you poor pitiful soul too bad i really liked you"he says then frowns and lets go "but now those feelings are gone....forever"he says then turns back to the replica and laughs insanely.

"Now i feel strong enough to kill anyone i don't care who they are I'll kill them"kabuto says.

"And get to be the first to die"he says laughing insanely as his snakes start to attack me. I dodge swiftly as my snake takes out his snakes.

(im not good with fights so just imagine them fighting but then kabuto uses his snake and it goes through yuki's chest making her fall to the ground on her knees bleeding)

We both desummon our snakes and stuff...i sit there in my pain as i spit out blood "its shame you had to die so quickly....miss yuki"kabuto says.

So close to the end i hope your still reading

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