Uneasy~Chapter two

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I stared at the cracked mirror in the bathroom. I leaned forward and tried to get a better look at myself, but I couldn’t, the crack webbed around the entire frame. I quickly ran to my room and got my camera. I walked over to the mirror and took a picture.

“You’re not bringing that to school, are you?” Mom carefully asked me.

            I awkwardly played with the camera strap around my neck. I bit down on the bottom of my lip. “Should I not?” I slowly asked her.

“Do whatever you want.” She sighed out. Then she mumbled something incoherently under her breath.


            Walking into school was a very big surprise. It was extremely clean, and it looked very new inside. I thought the school was going to be like the hotel I was living in. The school was also very bright—unlike my home which had five lights all together.

            Around me people were in hushed voices and staring at me. I nervously pulled at my hair as I walked through the long hallway of people. Everywhere I turned people were looking at me, talking about me, but none of them were brave enough to approach me. There was one girl, who worked up enough courage to talk to me.

“Hi,” She smiled, approaching me. “I’m Sam, you’re new here right?”

“Yeah,” I smiled back.

“Do you have your schedule yet?”

“Yeah, the school emailed it to my mom yesterday.”

“Let me see, let me see!” She yelled excitedly.

            I pulled it out and she quickly took it out of my hands. I watched her as her deep blue eyes scanned over the piece of paper in her hand. She blew a strand of straight blonde hair out of her face as she kept reading.

“We have lunch together,” She finally finished, and smiled. “You should sit with me.”

I nodded. “Okay, thanks.”

            She opened her mouth to say something else, when the bell rang. Suddenly the hallway became very hazardous to be standing in. People were banging into me, and knocking my things over.

“Look for me at lunch!” Sam yelled over the chaos. Then I was left alone in a crowd of people.

            Throughout the entire school day, I had the same awkward entrance. The teacher would pull me up in front of the class, and have me say my name. Most classes mumbled “Hi,” in unison, but others just stayed silent.

            At lunch I sat at Sam’s table. There were a few other people there, but they were all too involved in their own friends to even notice me. There was one kid there who did talk to me though.

“Hey, I’m Hunter.” A boy sitting at the table drew away from his friends to say hi.

“Hi, I’m Allison.”  I smiled.

“So how do you like school so far?”

“It’s pretty good.”

“Do you have any specific classes you like?”

“Um, well I have photography. I love taking pictures.”

“Oh, what period to you have it?” He suddenly became more interested,


“Me too!” He smiled excitedly. “Oh, you are going to love the teacher. She’s amazing.”

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