Uneasy~Chapter seventeen

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(A.N.-This chapter maaayy be a little boring, sorry<3)

The light shone off the sharp metal object he held in his big and bloody hands. His face was sprinkled with dirt, blood, and trickles of sweat. A hammer held its place right next to the used knife. Both seemed to be worn down—maybe overused.

My body began to shudder uncontrollably as unpleasant thoughts rushed to my mind. I felt Hunter’s warm hand hold mine protectively. I instantly moved closer to him until our bodies were pressed together.

“What are you kids doing down here?” Ted repeated much more slowly. He took a step closer; Hunter and I stepped back.

The cold wall stung my hot arms as I pressed myself against it—something from inside the wall vibrated.

“I came over to do a project, and I dropped something down the stairs. We came down here to look for it…no luck yet.” Hunter lied smoothly.

“Don’t you ever come down here without permission!” He scolded.

“Yes sir. We’ll be on our way.” He said casually with a smile on his beautiful face.

            Hunter dragged me out of the basement and into the lobby. He looked behind us; his long brown hair flowed carefully with every move he made. He walked me over to the elevator, but I pulled on his sleeve and to the staircase. He then nodded his head, remembering everything that I told him about the elevator.

“Oh my god,” I let out a shaky breath once the stair door slammed closed behind us.

I felt his arm drape around my shoulders. “It’s okay…who was that?”

“Ted.” I looked around in the darkness. “Where’s your flashlight?”

            I heard a few clicking noises. I guessed that he was trying to turn on his flashlight. He muttered a few profanities under his breath as he continued to struggle with it.

“It’s dead.” He said blankly, with a tinge of fear in his voice.

“Then we can walk blindly.” I was still shaking with fear, but I wanted to get into my room as quickly as possible.

            I guided him as well as I could up the stairs. When we reached the top, I opened the heavy door and ran to my room, with him following closely behind. We reached my room and I quickly opened the door to the suit.

“Don’t you need a key to open the door?” He asked breathlessly.

“No, it’s worn down.” My voice dropped into a low whisper as we entered the suit.

            Once the door was closed, I fell into Hunter’s chest. I breathed heavily as a few tears slipped from my irritated eyes. I snuggled my face into his firm chest even more. I felt his breathing slow to a calm and relaxing pace. We stood there for a while in a comfortable silence. Just his presence made me feel comfort.

Soon, I heard a noise come from my mom’s room. My eyes grew wide in fear of getting caught with a boy in the suit, so I stupidly pulled him into my room. I pushed him underneath my bed and quickly got myself comfortable underneath my covers.

“Alli?” Mom asked quietly as I saw the light spill into my room.

I sat up groggily. “Yeah?” I yawned out.

“Oh…I thought I heard something. Must have been my imagination.” I heard a soft smile in her voice.

            I felt guilt rising in me. I hated lying to my mother. She was always so caring of me; it wasn’t fair to her. Along with the guilt, there was part of me that was terrified she would find Hunter.

I nodded slowly, yawning again.

Soon after I yawned, my mother began to yawn too. “Go back to bed sweetie.” She blew me a kiss and slowly trudged to her room.

            When I heard her bedroom door closed I hung over the edge of the bed and looked at Hunter. He laid there silently with his eyes closed. I guessed that he was asleep, so I poked him lightly. He shot up immediately and bashed his head on the underside of the bed frame. I couldn’t help but laugh. I fell off my bed, and continued my laughing fit as Hunter crawled out from underneath it.

“Not funny.” He grumbled. I saw his silhouette rub his forehead.

“I’m so sorry.” I said in between laughs. “Are you okay? Do you want an icepack?”

“I’m fine, but it hurts like hell.” I could hear the pain in his voice.

            I kissed his—already swollen—forehead lightly. I felt his body shake lightly at the contact of our skin. My lips lingered on his head before I pulled away and smiled at him—although he couldn’t see.

“And it’s going to hurt worse tomorrow.” I said truthfully. “I’m going to get you an Advil, okay?”

“Sure.” He stood up, but I pushed him down onto my bed lightly.

“Rest, you’re hurt.”

            I walked into my kitchen slowly and quietly. I grabbed the Advil, and a water bottle. I didn’t trust the faucet water yet. I walked back to my room and handed him both.

“I’m also going to get you an icepack. I don’t care if you don’t want one, you’re getting one, okay? And don’t fall asleep…you could possibly have a concussion.”

“It’s not that big of a deal.” I had to make out his words as he spoke with the pill and water in his mouth.

“Listen to me, Hunter. My suit, my rules.” I smiled at him softly, and walked back to the kitchen.

            I had to rummage through the freezer. After a long while of searching, I finally found the small icepack. I grabbed a mopina and wrapped the icepack in it.

“Here ya go.” I said cheerfully as I handed him the carefully wrapped icepack.

“Thanks,” I heard him smile lightly as he pressed it carefully to his forehead. He hissed softly when the cold touched his burning bruise.

“So, uh…when we were in the basement…you heard the thing, right?” I said; I couldn’t be vaguer.

“Yeah,” He knew exactly what I was talking about. “Do you think it was like…in the wall? Or maybe it could have been a recording or something.” He said, trying to rationalize the situation.

“I think someone was in the wall.” I choked out.

Someone was definitely in the wall. Although none of us wanted to admit it—and it was highly unlikely—we both knew it was true.

Ted placed a person inside the hotel wall.

(A.N.-Thank you so much for reading, love you all<3)

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