Uneasy~Chapter sixteen

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(A.N.-Sorry for not updating<3...school has me very busy<3. Annnnnd the begining of this chapter is very bad...but it gets a little better by the end!(:   )

During photography class, I tapped hunter on his shoulder. He turned around, smiling, but it soon faded once he saw the worried look on my face.

“What’s the matter?” He whispered when the teacher was facing the board.

            I silently pulled out the picture of us kissing, and I kept my eyes on the teacher. Hunter carefully took the picture from my hands. Through the corner of my eyes I could see his expression morph into a confused look.

“Who took this?”

“Hunter, Allison, stop talking.” The teacher snapped when she turned around.

            I shrugged quickly before his face was replaced by the back of his head. My heart was beating quickly as I thought of who it could possibly be. It could have been Sam. I didn’t want her to find out. It was wrong of me to do that…possibly even worse to keep it from her, but I couldn’t tell her.

            After school, I heard someone call my name. I wasn’t surprised to find it was Hunter.

“I don’t think it was Sam.” I said when I walked up to him.

“Oh, you don’t? Why not?”

“Two reasons. One, she didn’t seem mad or anything today…her happy bubbly self. Second, she has no idea where I live.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“I found the picture in my room.”

He nodded. “So it has to be someone who knows where you live.”

“Yeah, but the only people who know that are the people who live in the building with me.”

            For some reason, Xander’s name flashed through my mind. Xander wouldn’t do that; when I’m scared I get very paranoid. I was just being paranoid.

“Speaking of where you live…we should investigate your building soon.” Hunter said with a small smile on his face; completely changing the subject.

“Yes we should.” I smiled back.

“How about tonight?”

“Well, my mom probably won’t let me…you’re a guy…and night in that little mix wouldn’t be good for my mom to know.”

“Then we won’t tell her.”


“I don’t have to go to your room. I could wait in the lobby or something.” He pointed out.

“I’m in.” I smiled—feeling a little on the dangerous side.


            I sat in my room and stared at my bedroom ceiling. I was waiting silently for my mother to go to sleep. I told Hunter to wait outside until I came and got him. I over heard Ted and Laura talking earlier, and they both were going out that night—that meant I could freely slip Hunter into the building.

            When the sound of my mother’s light snoring spilled into my room, I quietly got up and walked out of the room. I rushed down the stairs and to the front door. I saw Hunter standing there—probably freezing—waiting for me. I opened the door and a gust of ice cold air hit me.

“Oh god, how long were you out there?” I asked when he was safely inside the building.

“Only a few minutes.” He laughed.

“Oh, good.”

“So, are you ready?”

“As ready as ever.” I smiled.

“Where to first?” He smiled back with his tinted blue lips.

“Basement? I’ve only been in there once before. That’s where I took that first picture I showed you.”

He nodded. “Show me the way.”

            I walked to the basement slowly. There was a heavy snow storm from outside that knocked the power out. Luckily Hunter brought us both flashlights—but neither worked very well.

            From behind me, I saw Hunter’s flashlight shining across the room.

“Well, someone certainly needs to straighten up down here…” He said, trying to make light of the situation.

I found myself holding onto Hunter as we continued to wait for something.

“Where was the exact location of the picture you showed me?”

I took the flashlight and pointed it to the sight I took the picture. I closed my eyes—expecting a body to be there.

“You can open your eyes…there’s nothing there.” Hunter laughed.

“Are you kidding me?” I opened my eyes. He was right—there was nothing there. “I swear to god. This happened with the elevator. Someone is trying to make me look cra-“ I stopped talking when I heard a muffled scream come from next to me.

“Hunter…” I whispered. “Did you hear that?”

“Yes.” He whispered back stiffly. He slowly shined the flashlight next to me. To our surprise, there was nothing there. Just a brick wall, but the screaming continued.

            I walked over to the wall and hit it with the palm of my hand; the screams stopped immediately. Not long after I hit the wall, there was a banging sound back. Soon, the furious screaming came back, and the banging became quick.

“Hunter…I think someone’s inside the w-“

“What are you kids doing down here?” I was cut off by a livid voice behind us.

            We both screamed when Hunter’s flashlight revealed Ted standing in front of us. Something in his hand shined. A knife.

(A.N.-Thanks for reading!!!<3[:  )

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