Uneasy~Chapter ten

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(A.N.- So, so, so, so sorry for the late update!! My excuse is hurricane Irene...but I don't really have a valid reason for not writing concidering I didn't loose power. Haha, well here is chapter ten!)

Soon, the sounds of my feet violently hitting the frozen ground below me were followed by a second pair of feet following me. Whoever was behind me was defiantly catching up. I could almost hear their breath gasping for air, as they tried to reach me.

As soon as I turned onto my block, the second pair of feet stopped, but I kept running. I ran to my building, and I checked behind me. Nothing was there. There were a few people scattered around smoking cigarettes nonchalantly outside of their own buildings, but none seemed as though they were running after me.

I sat down on the front steps completely out of breath.

As I was choking to get air back into my airless lounges, I felt a hand slap down harshly onto my shoulder. I jumped up quickly and whirled around.

“Get inside. It’s late.” Ted said as he walked back into the hotel and closed the door in my face.

            I pulled the heavy door open and stepped inside the below freezing building. It was colder inside than out. There was a small heater in the basement; I guessed they didn’t use it much considering I could feel my insides freezing the longer I stayed in there.

When I walked into my room, I saw my mom lying on the couch. She had about five blankets piled on top of her frail body. That meant she left me with two, but at least she took the thin ones and left me with the comforters. I kissed her lightly on her forehead as she snored softly. I quietly walked into my room, and laid down on my bed.

            I couldn’t sleep much; I was still worried about whoever was following me. If I hadn’t ran any faster, they could have killed me. With a shaky sigh of relief, I sat up from my bed.

            I walked into my living room to find my mom still dead asleep. I quietly walked out of the room and into the hallway. I opened the door to the stares, careful to avoid the elevators at all costs.

            The stairs seemed to grow older every day. I tugged at the camera strap that was hanging around my neck.


            The sound of the camera click echoed throughout the spiral staircase. I quickly turned on the light before I closed the door. It slammed shut, and I stopped moving, hoping I didn’t wake anyone up. I slowly descended down the stairs taking pictures occasionally.

            I opened the door to the first floor to find Ted still at the front desk.

Does this man ever get a break?

“What are you doing up at this time?” He scolded when I stepped out of the door.

I looked at the big grandfather clock that was standing tall and proud behind him. It was about one in the morning.

“Um,” I thought of what to say for a little. “I couldn’t sleep so…so I came down here to say merry Christmas Eve.” I smiled.

“I’m Jewish.” He replied in a monotone voice, which seemed to be his only voice other than yelling.

“Oh,” I played with my camera strap. “Happy Hanukkah!” I tried.

“Get out of the lobby! Go back to your room and sleep!” He yelled.

I blinked in astonishment. The yelling wasn’t necessary.

“Go.” He said slowly.

            I nodded quickly, and walked back to the stairs.

Wow, I walked down these for nothing.

            From my run earlier, and walking down three flights on unnecessary stairs, I was exhausted. I sat on the bottom stair trying to regain my energy. I soon felt the wood sticking up and pressing holes into my soft skin, so I had to stand up again. I sighed as I stared up the stairs.

Would the elevator be so bad? It’s not like it’ll shut down every time someone uses it…

            I turned back and walked to the elevators. I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea or not, but I was too spent to walk up the stairs again. I pressed the third floor button and waited patiently for it to start up. It shook heavily and began to lift me up. It abruptly stopped after a couple of minutes. Soon after that, the lights flickered out. 

(A.N- Thanks for reading<3)

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