Uneasy~Chapter eleven

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(A.N.- Sorry for the late upload<333333)

I furiously banged on the elevator door with my hands. I was screaming as I panicked. Though the sound of my own screams, I heard a tiny beeping sound. I immediately stopped and looked around in the dark box. The beep stopped as I continued to look around.

            A small red light shining dimly from the top right corner of the elevator. I stared at it closely, not sure of what it was. I thought it could have been telling me someone was going to help me. I sat down and waited patiently for someone to come. I had to close my eyes and square breathe while I sat there.

            I began to grow more and more impatient as I waited. I remembered I had my camera around my neck, and I took being trapped in an elevator as the perfect opportunity to take pictures. I had to turn on the flash first.

            I stood back up and pointed the camera at different areas, and held it in different angles.




            Suddenly, I heard a loud crash come from above me, which quickly faded away. I felt a wire hit my head, and then something dripped lightly onto my hand. I felt it quickly run down my hand to the end of my pointer finger.




            I felt more and more liquid substances fall onto me. I backed up into the corner of the room. I felt my back hit against the wall. I looked up to see if I could see anything.


            I felt a droplet of whatever was falling from the ceiling, crash onto my face lightly, and rolled down it. I lifted my camera again, to take a picture of the ceiling.


            I quickly hid my camera under my shirt just incase the mysterious liquid decided to make its way to my camera. The box lit up slightly, and I turned my head to the, now open, door. I ran out to see Ted quickly close it.

“Thank you so much!”

“Didn’t you learn your lesson the first time?” He snapped.

            I blinked in surprise at the hostile tone he was taking with me.

“Just go back up to your room.”

I nodded and quickly fled up the stair case, and back into my room.

            Mom was standing at the kitchen table. She stood—probably to yell at me, but she suddenly closed her mouth and rushed over to me.

“Oh my god baby!” She examined my face.

“What…?” I looked at her, confused.

“Are you okay? What did you cut yourself on?” Mom asked frantically.

“What do you mean?” I asked slowly.

“There is blood all over you.”

            I looked down at my hands. There was blood all over me. The liquid from the elevator was blood.

(A.N.- It's very short, I know....but It's better than nothing! :D

Thanks for reading<3 Love you all!<3)

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