Uneasy~Chapter eighteen

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(A.N.-Sorry for the late upload<3)

My ear was pressed hard against the cold wall. I was barely breathing, and trying to put all of my focus into hearing through the wall—in it, rather. I closed my eyes, pressing harder. I had to be sure before I could make any accusations. That wouldn’t have turned out well—call the cops to tell them someone’s in the wall, so they tear it apart.

“No, it was just a rat.” I could imagine them telling me while shaking their heads.

            I was abruptly snapped out of my trance when I heard Xander’s deep voice. I tried to block him out, although I knew it was wrong, but of course he kept calling my name over and over again. Finally, I gave up and turned to him, opening my eyes.

“What are you doing?” He asked, giving me a weird look.

“I’m trying to listen to the inside of the wall.” I said as though it was normal to do.

“Uhm,” He cleared his throat as he searched for something to say. “Why?” He asked finally—not like I hadn’t expected it.

I opened my mouth to tell him what I heard that night, but I changed my mind last minute. “A science experiment, duh!” I laughed and leaned against the wall nonchalantly.

“But we have science together; we didn’t get an assignment.”

Damn., I thought angrily. I had forgotten we had every class together. It seemed as though lying was going to be impossible to do to him.

“Well,” I started slowly. “I wanted to do my own experiment.” I nodded to myself in acceptance at my on-the-spot response.

“About what?” He pretended to be interested, but I knew he wasn’t.

“To see if walls…if the walls in here are as thick as they appear to be.” I tried.

He nodded in response, and then placed an ear to the wall. We both sat in silence, with our ears to the wall.

“How are you supposed to tell how thick they are by pressing your ear to it? Shouldn’t you have something on the other side and see if you can hear it?” He questioned.

            I couldn’t tell if he believed me, or if he just wanted to see how long I would keep it up. So I agreed to it, and he went on the other side. I listened carefully and waited for him to make a noise. Just when I thought there was going to be no noise, there was a loud boom. I jumped back several inches and waited for him to come back.

“Did you hear me?” He asked.

“Yeah,” I said. I was slightly surprised that it made that loud of a noise—unless he was just really strong.

“Really?” He raised an eyebrow at me—obviously he didn’t believe me.

“Yes, really.” I smiled.

“Then what did I say?” He challenged.

            I froze when I registered his words. He wasn’t the one who made the banging noise.

“Wait, you said something?” I asked slowly. “Did you bang on the wall?”

“No, of course not. The other side of that is brick; you know how much that would hurt?”

I laughed lightly—unsure of what else to do. “Oh, then never mind.”

“Why? What did you hear?” He sounded a little too eager.

I shrugged in response. “I didn’t really hear anything. I just wanted to pretend so I could convince my mom that this place is super crappy and she would let us move out.” I was getting pretty good at the on-the-spot scenarios.

“Oh, well you could lie.”

“Yes, I could.”

“But you can’t leave.”

“Why?” I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Because, you’re my only friend at school.” He looked down.

“Oh,” I bit my lip lightly. “Well, I just don’t like the hotel, I love it here!” I smiled.

He nodded back and looked up again. “I get it; shitty here.”

“Very,” I laughed.

            He gave me a little laugh in response, and abruptly ended our conversation and left. I pressed my ear against the wall again and listened hard. When nothing happened, I lightly tapped on the wall. I got a large banging sound back. A little screech escaped my lips when I felt someone’s cold, strong hand grip tightly onto my arm.

“What in hells name are you doing?” Laura asked, sounding extremely annoyed.

“Oh nothing much, just trying to find out why you stuff people in the wall, Laura. What about you? And might I add, that is a very masculine grip you have there!”, I could imagine myself saying, but I had to force myself not to. Who knows what she would do to me if I had said that. Stuffed me in a wall probably.

“Nothing, just an experiment.” I used the same excuse as before.

“I don’t care.” She grumbled in her low voice. “You’re creeping the guests out.”

            I looked around the empty lobby and mentally laughed at her. I really hated that place. It didn’t make me feel safe, as a home—I could barely call that shit hole a home—should make you feel. There was a certain uneasiness about the entire place, and it wasn’t even the fact that there was most definitely a person in the walls.

(A.N.-Thanks for reading!

Also, can you please go check out the story " Paranoia " by ProveYouWrong ? :D

Thanks, love you all!<3)

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