Uneasy~Chapter seven

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(A.N.- Sorry for the wait<3)

My lower lip quivered, and my stomach turned. I stood there, absolutely frozen. I dropped every picture onto the floor, and stared down at them. My vision blurred. My breath caught in my throat.

“Hey, Allison-“ My mom stopped in my room when she saw me pale-faced. “What’s wrong!?” She walked over to me and snapped me out of my shock.

I frantically pointed to the scattered pictures. “W-why did you take those!?” I screamed at her. “Is that your idea of a joke!? You’re sick, Mom.” I yelled at her, disgust showing on my face.

“What are you talking about?”

You were the last person with my camera. I didn’t let anyone touch it, but you!”

“I didn’t take any pictures, Alli!”

“Don’t talk to me.” I pushed past her, and walked out.

            I walked to the elevator. My mind was clouded with thoughts.

How could she take those? Did she get people to pose like that? Is she a serial killer? What the f-

I was suddenly pulled out of thought when someone spoke.

“Are you alright?”

I turned to see a teenaged boy.

“Oh, yeah I’m fine.” I smiled sheepishly.

“Okay, but would you mind stepping off of my foot?” He laughed.

I looked down to see I was, in fact, standing on this poor boy’s foot. I immediately stepped off. “Oh my god, I am so sorry!”

“It’s fine.” He chuckled.

“Do you live here?” I asked.

“Yes I do, are you new here? I haven’t ever seen you around.”

“Yeah, I didn’t know anyone lived here. Oh, what a relief.”

“Oh, yeah. This place seems pretty vacant. No one seems to come out of their rooms. But most are full.”

“Really? They all just…stay in their rooms?”


“Why? That’s so weird!”

“I know, but they all seem pretty scared to leave their rooms.”

“Why? Well…actually this place is pretty gross.” I giggled and looked around the elevator.

            Suddenly we both felt a big shudder.  The elevator stopped.

“Damn,” He muttered under his breath. “Don’t worry,” He must have seen the panicked look on my face. “This happens a lot. It’s only temporary.”

I nodded slightly.

“I’m Xander.” He held out his big hand.

I shook it lightly. “I’m Allison, and I really like your name.” I smiled.

“Thanks, Allison.” He seemed to be trying it out.

After about a minute of silence he sat down—I sat next to him.

“So, you just moved here?”

“Not just, but pretty recently, why?”

“Just wondering…” He trailed off. “Has anything, like happened to you?”

“Not really…but…why?”

He shrugged. “A lot of things happen here.”

“So, it would be abnormal to not have anything creepy happen to you?”

He laughed. “Pretty much, yeah.”

            We talked for five more minutes. The elevator was still stuck. I sighed. I could have sworn I saw the walls start closing in on us.

“Is it just me, or is it getting very small in here?” I nervously tugged at my shirt—my camera was still in my room.

“You’re claustrophobic?”

“Yes…very.” I started to sweat slightly. My breathing increased greatly.

“Don’t worry, they’ll fix the elevator soon, there’s cameras in here.”

All I could do was wait.

(A.N.-This is eeehhh draggy. Buuutttt there are three important things in here! Thanks for reading, love you all<3)

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