Twelve: Everyone Loves A Happily Ever After

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(Time jump was needed. I’m so, so, so sorry.)


May 16th, 2012

Its been a few weeks since Chandler told me how he’s felt for the past 11 years. And since then, everything has been going non-stop. Its like us opening up to each other after all that time bottling it up, pretty much opened the flood gates.

Chandler started by explaining why he ignored me for 5 years -he thought his feelings for fade if he didn‘t speak to me. Silly boy-, and cleared up everything with Clair and Liz. Apparently, he dated Liz to make me jealous, but he didn’t think it worked. He couldn’t have been more wrong.

Nick told me why tried to blackmail me too: It was his way of trying to help. But if anything, it made everything worse.

Chandler explained why Clair came: She was here to help him with me. Apparently, Chandler thought he messed things up so bad that he needed outside help. But her showing up made things worse once again, but in the end, she fixed it. Neither of us could be more thankful for Clair. She’s truly a life saver.

Speaking of Clair, he and Collin met a few days Chandler and I started officially dating. And you’ll never guess what happened…Clair turned to mush and so did Collin. They’ve been going out on dates since. I personally think they’re adorable together.

And then there’s Nick and Misty. They finally got it together…kind of…sort of…not really at all, actually. They’re still all over the place, breaking up every two days, then getting back together like nothing happened. They are the meaning of clichéd. But at least they finally came out about the relationship. Even if it does make me sick to my stomach.

I sighed and I was bought back into the current event taking place. I can’t believe I zoned out like that. After all, according to Chandler, graduation is one of the most important life events.

“And Amanda Young.” Our principle said into the mic, sounding bored with this. I can’t blame him. We’ve been sitting her for three hours. But thankfully, that’s the last student in our class.

A few rows in front of me, Page turned around with me with a smirk. Oh yeah…everything was cleared up with Page too. Not to mention, right after I talked to him about what he tried to pull, Page met his match in none other than Liz Lockard. They’re both sneaky, snarky, spiteful, and fake. So honestly, they’re perfect for each other. “Finally.” he mouthed, standing up

“Congratulations to the graduating class of 2012!”

“Woohoo!” we all screamed in joy as hundreds of hats flew through the air.

It didn’t take long for Misty to through the crowd of people, nearly tackled me to the ground when she found me. “We made it!” she yelled, the excitement clear on her face. Even though she’s only 17, Misty graduated early. She skipped a grade in middle school. That’s actually how we met. She got bumped into my class. “And we never have to come back to this hell hole again!”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that, hugging her back as we jumped in small circles. “I know!” I yelled back, my smile getting wider as I saw my perfect boyfriend walking toward us, smiling that heart stopping, breath taking, mind blowing smile that only belonged to him.

“I hate to steal her from you, Misty, but I think Nick is looking for you.” Chandler told her, trying to lightly pull me away.

“Of course he is.” Misty said, rolling her eyes. “I’ll see you at dinner!” she yelled to us before disappearing into the crowd to find my brother.

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