Eight: Secrets Start To Unravel

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Still March 26th, 2012.

Clair Elise Edwards, Chandler’s beautiful British ex girlfriend, is standing right in front of me. The girl Chandler was in love with at some point is inside of my house. She flew all the way from London to here…just to see Chandler. I guess they really were in love. She probably still loves him. Why else would she fly halfway across the world for him? “H-Hi.” I stuttered, reaching a trembling hand out to shake her perfectly manicured one. “It’s nice to meet you.” I told her more firmly in an emotionless voice. I was too stunned to do or say anything else.

I completely understand why Chandler was with her. She’s perfect. Literally. I bet if I looked up the meaning of perfection in the dictionary a picture of Clair would pop up.

As Chandler came over and hugged Clair, picking her up and twilling her in a circle, I realized that they looked like a couple out of a magazine. It was in that moment I felt something shattered. I guess it was a mix of the last tiny bit of hope inside me fading away, along with my heart finally being crushed for the final time.

I just stood there, watching Chandler and Clair hug each other and say hello. I felt so hurt and shocked that that’s all I could do. Stare at the perfect couple in front of me. I’d never felt like this before, but right now, I honestly just wanted to go upstairs and jump out of my window.

“Nikki?” Chandler asked, smiling at me as he wrapped is good arm around Clair’s small waist. “You’re finally going to eat dinner with us, right?”

I stared at him for a moment, his words slowly sinking in. Eat dinner with my family? Eat dinner with my oblivious Mother, the girl who’s just unknowingly stolen the person I’m in love with, my Brother who’s black mailing me, and the guy I’m in love with who so clearly doesn’t love me back? Yeah. That sounds like a lovely idea. Honestly, all I wanted to do was get out of this hell hole that I call home. “Actually, no. I just came down to get my keys.” I told him firmly. “Clair can take my place at dinner. I’m leaving.” the more I spoke, the angrier my words sounded. At this point, I no longer cared if Chandler knew how I felt. It doesn’t even matter anymore. Everyone in this damn house can go to Hell for all I care.

As I turned around to get my car keys off of the coffee table, I expected to be met by Nick’s evil smirk. But, surprisingly enough, his current expression matched my earlier one. He clearly didn’t know that Clair was coming either. Well, now he seems like a little less of an ass.

“Hey, wait.” Chandler said as he chased me to the door, grabbing my wrist when he got close enough.

The moment his skin made contact with mine, I snatched my hand away. He didn’t even grab my wrist hard, yet knowing he’d just touched Clair with that exact same hand made pain shoot through my arm and straight to my heart.

Chandler took a step back, clearly taken by surprise at my sudden reaction. “Nikki, I--”

He was cut off by my hand slapping his away from my face. “Don’t you dare touch me, Chandler.” I tried to keep my voice steady, but of course it cracked.

“Just…” he sighed, looking down. “Just tell me where you’re going and I’ll let you go.”

“I don’t know where I‘m going.” I told him honestly. “But anywhere is better than here.” I said as I grabbed the door knob and yanked it open, slamming the door shut behind me with a little more force than necessary. As soon as the door was closed, I took off running toward my car feeling the tears starting to form in my eyes. If Chandler happened to look out of a window or opened the door, he’d see me cry. I hate when people see me cry.

I couldn’t believe that Clair was actually in my house. I thought those two were completely done. There was no way in the world I would’ve guessed that it would be her to confirm the fact that I’ll never be with Chandler. Liz? Yes. I honestly thought it would be her. Even after the accident, Chandler stayed with her for a few days. He only broke up with her because she cheated on him. Stupid girl. Why the hell would you cheat on Chandler Alexander?

I slammed my car door shut, smashing the key into the ignition all at the same time. The second my Kia roared to life, I put it in reverse and pealed out of the driveway at a speed that was obviously too high. But who cares anyway? I just wanted to get away from my house.



I pulled up the blinds in the dining room just in time to see Nikki speed out of the driveway, her tires letting out a loud hiss as she flipped onto the street. It when then that she turned around to face the house for a moment. And that was when I saw the look on her face. She was hurt. Crying, actually. Stunned by that, my grip on the string that controlled the blinds slipped, causing them to go crashing against the windowsill.

“Chandler? Are you alright, Love?” Clair asked from behind me, placing her hand on my shoulder.

You’d think her touch would actually do something to me. Make me calm, or at least bring a smile to my face since I am supposed to be in love with her. But the truth is, I’m not. I’m not in love with Clair at all. I’ve always loved her, yes. But I’m not in love with her. I never was and she knew it. Probably before I even left England. “Just worried. I--” I let out a sigh of frustration as I tired to find my words.

I always have the perfect line, or comeback, or excuse for something. But when it comes to Nikki, I can rarely get my thoughts together properly. I tend to stutter around her, get confused, annoyed, frustrated and she always leaves me at a loss for words. These things rarely, if ever, happen to me. I‘ve never fully understood why I‘m like this around Nikki. But I hope to figure it out one day. That is if she doesn‘t drive me absolutely insane first. “I made her cry, Clair.” I told her, feeling awful all over again. “I made her cry and I’m not even sure what I did.”

“Oh come off it, Bro. It‘ll work itself out.” Nick snapped from the doorway beside me and Clair, repeating my earlier words about him and Misty.

I shot him a warning glare. “This isn’t the same situation, Nick.”

“I don’t see how it’s different.” he told me, jaw tight. Nick may be one of my best friends, but I of all people know he can be a jerk. And he honestly wonders why he’s having so many girl problems.

“No. See, you can’t keep your dick in your pants. You shouldn‘t have slept with her ‘just for fun’ knowing how you‘ve felt for over a year now. Not to mention it was illegal. That‘s your problem, mate. And it‘s no where near being similar to mine.” I told him truthfully. I saw him flinch a few times during my slight rant. I felt bad for saying things so bluntly, but he needed to hear it that way. I know Nick. He would’ve understood if I’d said it any other way. “Excuse my language.” I apologized to Clair.

She waved me off, shaking her head at me. “It’s quite alright.” she told me with a smile before turning to give Nick a different, less friendly look. “Clear off, will you, Nicolas? I believe Chandler and I need to have a chat.”

Without another word, Nick walked back into the living room. I heard him flop onto the couch before turning the tv up.

“Now you.” Clair said, turning back to me with a serious look in her eyes. “Don’t get your knickers in a bunch over this, Chandler. I can basically see the stress wheels turning in your head.” she placed her hand on my cheek like she always did when she knew I was upset about something. “We’ll work this out, Love. That is why I’m here after all. To help.”

I nodded, sighing in relief. I knew Clair was going to fix everything for me. And for that, I’m extremely grateful. “Thank you for this, Clair.”

“That’s what friends are for.” She gave me a sad smile. I never understood why Clair still helped me once we broke up and she found out that I’d always been in love with someone else. But I was glad that she did. I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done these past few months if it wasn’t for her. “So,” she started, putting her hands on her hips. “First of all, what are we going to do about Dear Nikki?”

I sighed again. “Your guess is as good as mine.”

Author’s Note: This chapter honestly started off as filler, then it got more interesting and information packed. How did you like that look into Chandler’s head? He’s very interesting and doesn’t give away much, huh? ;) Also, poor Nikki. /: Where do you guys think she stormed off to? Misty’s? Collin’s? Maybe even to see Page? Speaking of Misty…what’s going on between her and Nick? OH, THE DRAMA!

Hahaha. Don’t forget to vomment and fan! Love ya for reading! (:

-Lexi Rain

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