Chapter 1

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"Roman get up"
Galina said bitterly.
"Yeah yeah"
Roman said rubbing his eyes and sighing loudly.
"Don't sigh at me, it's not my fault your job requires you to get on planes at half five in the fucking morning"
Galina seethed as she slammed the bedroom door.
"Good morning to you too"
Roman said to himself as he pulled the covers off himself and headed to the bathroom.
"Daddy, daddy"
JoJo said excitedly as Roman walked downstairs with his suitcase.
"Hey baby girl"
He said placing his bag down and picking up the hyper 5 year old.
"Hi daddy, I'm going to miss you"
She said playing with Romans cheeks.
"I'm going to miss you too baby girl"
He said giving her a gentle but firm hug.
New text message Seth
Hey, looking forward to seeing you! X
To Seth
Looking forward to seeing you too. I've missed you so much. X
New test message from Seth
I've missed you too! How's things been at home? X
To Seth
Not good. Galinas been her usual bitchy self. X
New text message from Seth
Aww Ro I'm sorry to hear that. Xx
To Seth
It's okay honestly I've just been focusing on JoJo and getting back to you. Xx
New text message from Seth
Aww I can't wait to see you either. Longest month of my life. Xx
To Seth
Tell me about it. Anyway I'll see you at the arena. Text me and let me know you've landed safely. I love you!! Xx
New text message from Seth
I will don't worry. I love you too! Xx
"Who are you texting?"
Galina said glaring at Roman from across the table.
"Just Seth"
He said trying to keep the smile from his face.
"Aw. Anyway shouldn't you be getting going cause you will miss your flight"
She said standing up and walking up the stairs.
Roman sighed as he stood up and headed for the living room so he could say goodbye to JoJo.
"Now remember baby girl, even thought daddy's not here with you he's always in your heart and your always in mine"
Roman hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.
"Yeah daddy I know. I'll miss you!"
JoJo said smiling at Roman.
"I'll miss you too baby girl!"
Roman smiled before putting her down and grabbing his suitcase.
"Galina I'm leaving"
Roman said hoping she had calmed down a bit from her mood.
"Yeah yeah bye see you in July"
Galina shouted sounding very uninterested.
Seth done one last check of his house, making sure all his electrical appliances were turned off and that his house wasn't too messy because there's nothing he hated more coming home after a few months on the road and his house being a complete mess. He grabbed his bag and headed out to the car locking his doors. He put his suitcase in the boot and turned on the radio.
I've got a fire for a heart, I'm not scared of the dark, You've  never seen it look so easy. I've got a river for a soul and baby your a boat, baby your my only reason. If I didn't have you there would be nothing left, the shell of a man who could never be his best, if I didn't have it is never see the sun, you taught me how to be someone. Yeah yeah, all my life you stood by me, when no one else was ever behind me all these light they can't blind me, with your love nobody can drag me down, nobody nobody, nobody can drag me down.
Seth happily sang along to the One Direction song. He didn't necessarily like the band but they had REALLY catchy songs. Once he got to the airport he didn't have long to wait before he had to go to customs and stuff. He was only flying for about 2 hours but still text Roman just before take off.

New text message from Seth
Just landed!! Will be at the hotel in about an hour. I can't wait to see you! Xx
To Seth
Aww baby I can't wait to see you!! Xx

Roman smiled at his messages. He couldn't wait, only an hour until he gets to see his beautiful boyfriend. Things were so confusing for Roman. He honestly just wanted to divorce Galina and live with Seth. He wanted Seths face to be the first and last thing he saw, but he also wanted his daughter and Galina probably wouldn't allow it. He tried to push those thoughts out his head for now.
Fast forward 45 minutes

Seth parked his car and quickly got out grabbing his bag and headed into the hotel.
"Hello, how may I help you sir?"
A young brunette female asked Seth as he walked up to the reception desk dragging his suitcase behind him.
"Uh yeah, I'm looking for Ro... Mr Reigns room?"
"Oh yeah you must be Mr Rollins?"
She smiled sweetly before handing Seth a key card.
"Thank you."
Seth smiled before heading towards the elevator. His heart was beating so fast he couldn't wait to see Roman, he'd missed him loads. As the lift opened and Seth walked out he walked towards the room with quite a fast pace. He took a deep breath before letting go of his suitcase and swiping the card opening the door.
Roman stood up as he heard the door open and saw Seth standing there. Seth quickly ran towards Roman and jumped onto him and wrapped his legs round the Samoans waist. Roman held onto Seth tightly and kissed him.
"Baby i missed you so much"
Roman said falling into the bed with Seth straddling him.
"I missed you too"
Seth said leaning down and connecting his lips with Romans again. The kids started off slow and passionate but soon turned into a full on make out session but both men decided to stop before it went to far. They got into some comfortable clothes and just cuddled in bed with the TV on.
"I love you Seth"
Roman said gently placing a kiss on Seths head.
"I love you too"
Seth said cuddling in more.

So what do you guys think? Brand new book. Sorry if this chapter sucked but I didn't know how to start it hopefully it will pick up and the rest will be better.
Bye guys!!

The Wife, The Kid and The Secret Loverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن