Chapter 9

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(Seth's POV)

Warning - self harm

I'd been out of the hospital for 3 weeks now. We had been given more time off but needed to go back next week. Things have started to settle down with us all. JoJo has been living in the hotels with us because no one else can look after her. Dean is slowly returning to his usual self he had a bit of a breakdown after Renee's funeral but me and Roman were there for him and he seems to be getting better.

It is currently 2:30am and im just lying in bed unable to sleep. Roman is snoring beside me with JoJo is cuddled into him and Dean is in the room across the hall. After a while of tossing and turning I got up. I put a pair of joggies on and a wife beater with one of Roman's hoodies and went a walk. I didn't have anywhere in mind but I just wanted to try and clear my head. There wasn't really anyone out on the street considering the time but there was a few cars, probably people coming home from work. I walked for about an hour before finding a bench and taking a seat. It was almost 4am but I was enjoying the peace and quiet.

I had a lot to think about. Things had just been so stressful and I felt like me and Roman were drifting apart. I knew he needed to be their for JoJo but I feel like he doesn't love me anymore. I know it's selfish but I can't help it.
New text from Roman 4:32am
Where are you?
To Roman 4:33am
Just went a walk. Needed to clear my mind.
From Roman 4:35am
What's wrong?
To Roman 4:37am
It doesn't matter.

I decided to go back to the hotel. I started to feel tired so started my long walk back. It started raining when I was about 15 minutes away from the hotel so I ran the last little bit.
I quietly walked into the room careful not to wake JoJo up.
"Hey, you okay?"
Roman asked.
"Yeah, just tired going to get a few hours sleep"
I walked into the bedroom and carefully got in, letting sleep just take over my body.

When I woke up it was 11 o clock. JoJo wasn't in bed and the hotel room sounded quiet. I gently slide out and headed for the kitchen where I found the note.
I've taken JoJo to see Jimmy and Jey for a few days. I'll maybe call or text later for a chat.
Roman x

That was it the final straw. I leaned against the wall and slide down it, the tears streaming down my face making my eyes red and puffy. He doesn't love me anymore. I sat their until Dean sauntered into the room and looked at me confused. I stood up and wiped my eyes, even though it was obvious I had been crying.
"What's up Seth?
He put a hand on my back and guided me to the couch, the note still in my hand.
"Roman doesn't love me anymore"
I started sobbing again and dropped the note onto Dean's lap.
"How do you know?"
He looked at the note with a funny expression on his face.
"I just do Dean it's obvious, he doesn't care about me anymore. He was the only thing apart from you that kept me happy and now I've lost him.
"Look Seth I think your jumping to conclusions. Your getting all this from one note?"
"No Dean I'm getting this from him in general. We haven't kissed at all in almost 2 weeks. He hasn't gave me a hug in over a week and as for sex well it was long before all the shit with Galina."
I was so angry but at the same time my heart was breaking.
"Fuck it. I'm done"
I stormed into the bathroom and locked the door. Rummaging through the drawer I looked for a blade or something sharp that would help me ease the pain. Once I found a razor I sat against the bath and dragged the cold blade across my tanned wrists. It felt like the blood dripping out was all my emotions and bullshit. I done this 5 more times before dropping the blade and letting the blood run from my now sliced wrist.
(Dean's pov)
As soon as Seth ran to the bathroom I called Roman. I was the only one who knew about Seth's attempted suicide when he was a teenager and I didn't want him to do anything stupid.
Phone Call
R- Hey Dean this isn't a good time.
D- You need to get back here as soon as possible. Seth's locked himself in the bathroom he thinks you don't love him anymore.
R- What? He wouldn't do anything stupid would he Dean?
D- When he was 17 he tried to kill himself so yeah he's probably capable of it. Just get back here soon Ro.
R- I'll be there as soon as.
End of call
I kept knocking on the door but there was no answer. So I called 911. They said they would send an ambulance straight away I just hope that it's not too late.

Hi strangers..... I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like 2 months. I've had so much stuff going on. But here's a small, shitty filler chapter. This book doesn't have long left.......
Anyway I'll update as soon as possible.

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