Chapter 10

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Romans POV
My heart was racing. My hands shaking. My thoughts all Seth.
The kind guy I had accidentally fallen in love with. The guy who loved me when my wife didn't. Who helped and comforted me when I had no one else.

He stayed with me when things got hard, he always made me feel loved and happy. What did I do? Take advantage of his kindness. I was never really there when he needed me. I got him beaten and then distanced myself. Paid more attention to myself. Felt sorry for my self and didn't think about what he was thinking, what he was going through.

Driving to the hospital seemed to be the slowest journey of my life. I was breaking nearly every rule in the book, yet time seemed to pass slowly. Every thought that tried to make itself present in my mind was soon pushed aside by a picture of Seth.

Seth with his half brown half blonde hair. His beautiful smile with the gap between his front teeth. His gorgeous brown eyes. The way he ninja rolls over the barricade when we enter the ring. The way he's always their for me and Dean no matter what.

After what seemed to be a 5 hour journey, I pulled into the hospital car park and quickly stepped out. I had no idea what I was walking into. Was Seth alive or dead? Was he mad at me? Did he still love me?

The young women at reception was typing away at her computer.
"Excuse me miss"
She looked up a grin gracing her face almost instantly.
"Your Roman effing reigns"
I smiled slightly
"Is their like a WWE signing or something today? Visiting the cancer kids?"
My smile disappeared.
"No actually.... I'm here to see Seth"
Her face fell instantly. She typed something into her computer before turning back round to face me.
"Second floor intensive care ward room 9"
I gave her a small smile and thanked her before heading towards the elevator.

I hoped the elevator would take a while so I could have a bit of time to compose myself but before I knew it I was standing outside a small room with a number 9 on it.

I took a few deep breaths before slowly opening the door.
Dean was sitting in a chair holding Seth's hand.
He looked up at me but I just looked at the floor tears starting to cloud my vision again.
"Roman it's not your fault"
Inside I laughed.
"How the fuck is it not my fault? He has just tried to fucking kill himself because he thinks I don't love him! I was trying to sort my head out before he got hurt again! He got beat up all because I was too much of a fucking pussy to tell my family that I'm gay. I nearly lost him and it's all my fault, fuck I might still have lost him, he doesn't think I love him so why should he stay with me?!"
Dean stood up and engulfed me in a hug.
"Stop being such a fucking idiot of course your going to stay together if he didn't love you we wouldn't be here right now"
We stopped hugging and I walked over to sit beside Seth. His arms were bandaged tight. He just looked so peaceful.
Hours past and I stayed like that. Dean had picked up JoJo for me and they were on their way to see us.
My head shot up to look at Seth.
"I'm here baby, I'm here"
He smiled slightly and looked at me.
"I'm sorry Ro, I-"
"Don't you dare apologise, you didn't do anything wrong it's my fault. I shouldn't have been so distant, especially after everything that's happened and everything we've been through. I love you Seth Rollins"
At this point we were both crying, I moved my thumb to wipe the tears away from his face.
"I love you too Roman Reigns"
I leaned over and kissed his chapped lips. It was nothing heated it was just full of love.
We pulled apart when the door swung open revealing Dean and JoJo.
"Papa your okay"
She rushed over and climbed up onto the bed and hugged Seth.
'Papa' she really loves him. I love them both this is my family. It was in this moment I realised what I needed to do.
"Dean can I have a word with you outside please"
I walked out and Dean followed no questions asked.

"I'm going to do it today."
His eyes lit up.
"Really? This is great"
"You think he will be happy?"
He pulled me in for a hug.
"Of course"

I went back inside Seths room and told him that Dean was going back to the hotel for a bit.
I climbed into Seths hospital bed with him and he laid his head on my shoulder with JoJo cuddled in between us sleeping quietly it was perfect.
"Hey Seth?"
"Yeah Ro"
His hand was on JoJo's stomach, I linked our fingers together and sealed her in.
"I get that this isn't ideal but I was wondering what you think about maybe becoming Mr Reigns?"
He looked at me surpised.
"Are you serious?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Look at me I'm a mess. I tried to kill my self instead of dealing with my problems like the grown man that i am."
It broke me to hear him say that.
"Just shut up Seth. You've been through loads and your allowed to have a break down and not be able to deal with it but just remember I'm always here and I know I've been a dick recently but I'm always here for you and I love you so fucking much."

It felt good to finally get that off my chest.
"I love you too Roman and it would be my absolute honour to become Mr Reigns."

Sorry it's took so long to update but I did have some stuff going on and it needed to be sorted out. Sadly this is the last chapter. I'm not sure when I'll upload the epilogue but they're definitely will be one.

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