Chapter 5

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I had called my parents and told them I was going to visit them for a weeks because I knew if I went home Roman would try and find me. He's going to hate me so much but it's for the best. Once I finally arrived at my parents house I never told them what happened I just said I was tired and headed up to my bedroom. I had fell asleep but got woken up when I heard my phone going, I just ignored it. I knew it was Roman.






I opened my phone up and went to read Roman's text messages first.

Roman: Seth where are you?? I thought you were going to try. I can't do this without you. I need you. xx

Roman: I love you, I thought you loved me too? Obviously I was wrong.

Roman: I need you.

Roman: Seth????

Roman: Please.....

Seth wiped the tears from his eyes, he wasn't going to reply. Roman just needed time to get over me and then everything would be fine. I kept telling myself that but deep down I knew it wasn't going to be as easy as that. I checked my message from Dean next.

Dean: I can't believe this. Seth where are you? Are you okay? What they fuck are you trying to do here? If your trying to prove some kind of point then well done point proved! You need to come back, you have only been gone a few hours and he's a mess, he won't stop crying. Just please don't do this to us. Don't do this to him. Please just let us know your okay at least.

Seth: I'm fine, he needs to get over me Dean, I'm ruining his family.

Dean: You are his family, Seth please just come back.

Seth: I can't, I'm sorry.

I never replied after that instead I just listened to my voicemail.

(Roman crying in the background)

Seth where are you, he needs you. You can't fucking do this to him. You need to come back. Answer the damn phone!!

*End of Call*

I really just wanted to get in my car and go back to him but I couldn't. I had to stay away it's for the best.

I told myself that everyday for 2 weeks until I had to go back to work.

I arrived at the arena and took my bags out. I looked like shit. My hair was pulled back into a messy bun and I had dark bags under my eyes. I hardly slept the whole two weeks. I was really worried about Roman. He had a past of self harm and the only people he ever told was me and Dean. I was just really worried he would try to hurt himself.

As I walked into the arena my heart started to race and my palms became sweaty. Roman would be fine he would be sitting in the locker room laughing with Dean and the twins. Once I finally got to the locker room I opened the door only to find it empty. I was a little worried at first but just shrugged it off. I put my stuff down on the bench and took my phone out. I went on to twitter and checked what things were trending.

#1 - LakersvsGiants

#2- WWE

I pressed on the wwe # just to see what was going on.

[Sky Sports News] We are saddened to hear about the passing of #WWE announcer Renee Young. Sadly the 29 year old was in a car accident with her boyfriend Dean Ambrose and close friend Roman Reigns. The two men are thought to be in hospital with severe injuries and we wish them a speedy recovery.

No this wasn't happening to me. I left my stuff in the locker room only grabbing my car keys and quickly went up to Vince's office.

*knock, knock*

"Come in"

"Vince is it true?"

I really wanted him to tell me that there had been some kind of mix up but I knew deep down it wasn't.

"I'm afraid so Seth."

My whole world was suddenly frozen. Everything I loved on the verge of being snatched away from me.

"How are they?"

I was in tears, I knew it was bad. I couldn't believe Renee was gone, Dean was never going to forgive himself.

"Dean's in critical condition but Roman's in theatre, Seth he might be brain damaged."

Everything stopped, I can't loose him.

"Can I go to the hospital?"

"I'm not going to stop you Seth, just tell them were all thinking of them"

I just closed the door and ran, I've never ran so fast in my life. I broke numerous speeding laws but I didn't care all that mattered was Dean and Roman. The hospital wasn't far away but it felt like a life time away.

There was quiet a few paparazzi and news reporters outside the hospital and I knew they would ask me questions but I wasn't going to stop for a chat when the man I love could be dying.

"Seth how are you feeling?"

"My two best friends are in hospital and another one of my friends has died, how would you feel"

I will never understand why they ask such stupid questions. I pushed past the rest of the reporters and made my way to the reception desk. The women must have recognised me as she immediately told me what room Dean was in without me even asking. She also said that Roman was in surgery but shouldn't be too much longer. As I headed up to Dean's room I started to wonder if Roman's parents had been called. Maybe I should call them just in case? I decided against it for now and just went to see Dean.

He was a complete mess. Hi face was all bruised and cut, his eyes were red and puffy from crying and he had a drip in his arm.

I just went straight over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into a warm embrace, I wasn't going to ask stupid questions like 'how you feeling' because I already knew the answer.

"I can't believe I lost her Seth, I should have made her wear her seatbelt but she didn't want it ruining her dress."

"Aww that was Renee for you, always worried about what she looked like."

I sat beside him and grabbed his hand.

"I don't know why she was beautiful, I told her everyday but she was still insecure. I can't believe she's gone Seth, I'm going to miss her so much."

He started crying again and I just lay in bed with him and played ran my fingers through his hair. We sat like that for at least 30 minutes before a doctor came in.

"Are you the Family of Roman Reigns?"

I answered for us both.

"I'm his boyfriend and Dean's his brother."

I could see Dean smirk slightly when I said boyfriend and I mentally smacked him in the head.


Dean said in agreement.

"Okay, I'm afraid I have some bad news concerning Roman"


Talk about Cliffhanger??

Sorry this is so late but Wattpad was being kind of shitty today and kept deleting paragraphs and freezing and stuff. Anyway thought I'd add a little bit of Ambrollins in this story too, nothing like kissing and stuff just some light fluff.

Wanted to thank Reigns_Ambrose because she always comments really nice things and is just a really nice person in general. This story is going to get sadder. I'M SORRY!!!

Anyway please comment and let me know your opinion of the chapter and also what you think will happen to Roman...

Also if you haven't heard The Rock has announced he will be in a match at WrestleMania!!!!


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