I am Doing This Again...

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I was walking along the path in a spooky forest to the mansion. I had my trusty flashlight and a map to the mansion. I can't believe I am doing this...

Come on Luigi! I need to get Daisy out of that house. I don't want my girlfriend to get hurt, I have been dating her for 5 years... I love her.

I came to the Mansion, and I looked at the door. The worn oak door was a ghostly black and green. The handle on that door was very old, a brass knob. I opened the door,very slowly.

Cold air rushed out and it made me feel very cold. A chill went down my spine. I felt like someone touched me, but I looked back and no one did.

Hold it together Luigi, just get Daisy and high tail it out of here as fast as your legs can carry you.

" Daisy? Where are you?" I asked and a ghost came and scared the living daylights out of me. Then a guy comes in and uses a vacuum, my vacuum! I recognized who it was, Professor E.Gadd.

He sucked up the ghost with the vacuum and I was so relieved. " Professor! Your a life saver! It's great to see you." I said as a stood behind him. " It's great to see you too my boy! We better get out of here, I have new things to tell you." E.Gadd said as we crept out of the house.

We then entered E.Gadd's lab, I saw all the empty frames. Oh no, those ghosts are out again. E. Gadd then handed me my vacuum and the GameBoy Horror. Both of them were updated and felt like they were brand new. " I updated everything as you can see, now you can be back to your ghost catching adventure. But a new person went in, she had brown hair and yellow dress on..." E.Gadd said, then Luigi interrupted. " Thats Daisy! She is my...girlfriend..." " Oh you now have a girlfriend, well done my boy. She looks like a keeper." E.Gadd said as he patted Luigi on the back. " I must warn you, this mansion has more ghosts than ever. Be careful!"

I hope I can find Daisy, I hope she is ok...

Ghost Flower: A Luigi's Mansion FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now