The Next Few Ghosts

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I was done with room one, now I have another key and more doors to check... great!!!

Every time I look and try to find a door, I do find trick doors. Then I remembered... the Gameboy Horror has a map of all the doors... darn it!!! I should have known that! Well I used it to find the next door, which took me to a room with a woman gazing in a mirror. Of course there were other ghosts but then I got rid of them quickly. The woman gazing in the mirror was left. I looked at my Gameboy Horror and it reviled who she was. She was Lydia, she stared at her reflection continuously. It seemed she didn't know I was there. I looked at the curtains and they were flapping in the breeze. Maybe this will get her attention so she can reveal her heart. I opened the curtants and a breeze of cold air came rushing in. Then she realized that there was a draft. " What a horrible draft!" She said as she went to the curtant and she revealed her heart. I then started to vacuum her up, she wasn't that hard but I might speak too soon. I got her and the lights magically came on. Then I got the key for the next room!

Meanwhile in the Secret room...

" What do you even want me for?" Daisy asked as she banged on the glass. " I have already told you I wanted revenge on that green plumber of yours...why I need you is, how would he react if I turned you into a ghost?!" A squeaky voice said as it laughed, it sounded like nails on a chalk board. " No! Luigi! Help me!"

Back to Luigi...

I had the key to a new room, which I looked where it would be with my Gameboy Horror. I didn't know the room but a slowly opened the door. It looked like a nursery, there were baby toys everywhere. I wonder where the little tike was. I didn't have to wonder any longer, I found it in the crib. It then went onto the rocking horse and I thought of things that might reveal its heart. How about using this play ground ball?...

I hit the ghost with the ball and the ghost started to whine and shake its raddle. I didn't know what he was saying but I felt light headed. The room the changed so drastically! I was in this huge crib and there were flying rocking horses, and there was the ghost! It was 10 times bigger that it was! Oh no! What have I gotten myself into!

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