Luigi's Worst Nightmare Comes True

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I got all the ghosts! I did it! I can't believe it! So I celebrated a little bit, but now I needed to find Daisy and fast. Please be ok Daisy! I heard screaming from down the stairs. A bigger, prettier version Violet was staring at me with Daisy in a mirror in her hands. "Look at this Daisy! Your beau is here, he won't be able to get you though..." Violet said as she showed Daisy in a mirror. "Give her back to me Violet!" I yelled as we started to stare each other down. I whipped out my gameboy horror and read about her. It said her weakness is her hair pin, get that and she can't do anything about it.

I needed to get her golden hair pin. "Luigi! You can do it! Believe in yourself!" Daisy called out from the mirror. How she got in, I didn't know, but maybe she can come out the same way. "Daisy! Try to get out of the mirror." I said as she looked at me, her game face was showing now. She tried to hit the glass, nope. She tried so much, what can take Daisy out of there? I used the gameboy horror in the mirror, it was a music lock on that mirror. I knew the song that was perfect.

Everyday of my life, has been leading me here tonight. Feels like I am coming home... back to you... back to you. Every chance that I take, every wrong turn and every mistake, is a step on the road back to you... back to you...

And I realized I like it, I like I can't get enough, I like, I like , I get a rush, I like what I like and I like it too much. You know what I like, and I get a rush...

I pulled Daisy out of the mirror, we both danced. Violet was getting very angry at us, not paying attention to her. "Ready to beat her, Daisy?" Then Daisy shook her head.

In my soul, I see you. You are as close as the hole in my shoe. And when I feel you, I am new, I get high... I can fly! I've got wings, I've got riches that money can't bring. I've got more than a King, I've got you... and baby that's alright!!

I like it, I like I can't get enough, I like, I like , I get a rush, I like what I like and I like it too much. You know what I like, and I get a rush from you. Every thing you do, I come unglued, I get a rush from you...

I threw Daisy up and she grabbed the golden pin from Violet. Violet reacted, but her heart was revealed. I used the vacuum and she started to fight her hardest. "I cannot be defeated by you two! I am perfect! I can't be defeated like those other simple ghosts, they are worthless!" She started to react and was using telepathicly using the pin to try to hurt Daisy. Daisy was holding the pin, the pin was moving everywhere and trying to stab her. Violet was almost completely in the vacuum and her powers were gone. She was in the vacuum and Daisy fell to the ground. "Daisy! Are you alright? Please tell me that you are ok? Please..." I kept saying as looked at her. She looked fine, she really looked like she usually did. I finally got her back, but she didn't wake up. Then suddenly she gasped, she sat up and then saw me. She gave me a hug, and we both stood up, hand in hand. We then walked out. Before we descended the stairs, we kissed. I then took her to the lab, have her meet E.Gadd, and get rid of all the ghosts except for one, Violet disappeared. The pin then shined in Daisy's hand and she gave it to E.Gadd and then it broke on the floor, whoops... Then I took Daisy back to her house that day, which then she invited me back tomorrow for dinner and Peach invited Mario for a movie night. But there is something I haven't done yet...

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