In The Mansion..

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I opened the door very slowly, the door's creak was like a scream; Warning me about what I was going to get myself into. I looked in, my face frozen with fear, and my eyes bugged out of my head. Was I really doing this again?

It seem to much of a dream, to be back here again. But not for my brother, for my girlfriend this time. I hoped that Daisy was ok, she would kill me if I didn't get her. Not to mention, I would never be able to share any other moment with her if I don't get her back. Not even the most happiest moment in our lives...

Then a ghost appeared and I got my vacuum to suck it up. The ghost fought hard but I got it. Doing this again brings back memories, bad ones. I then saw another ghost, which I quickly took care of it. With catching ghosts, you have to reveil their heart and then they will become weak and then you can suck them up! It's as easy as that! Well... if I wasn't so scared that is...

Then the lights suddenly came on, then Toad showed up, he was right by the wall. He was more scared then I was by the looks. Which I didn't think that was even possible.

" Mr. Luigi! I can't believe you are here! All those ghosts are everywhere, and Daisy is gone. I don't know where she is, I will help as best as I can! You can count on me!" Toad said as he jumped happily, then he handed me a gold key. I then smiled at Toad and gave him a pat on the head.

Well one room done, many to go!

In a secret room...

"HELP ME LUIGI!!" Said a female voice from a mirror. " That plumber is scared of his own shadow, he won't be able to defeat me again. You are so beautiful, Princess Daisy!" A squeaky voice said, then the mirror reviled Daisy... "Help me Luigi!"

Ghost Flower: A Luigi's Mansion FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now