"sexy yo-yo!"

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Yoandris P.o.v
All the boys came while me and danny we talking, i found that pretty annoying, but i will spend the rest of the day with her.

Johann: "goodmorning sissy! Yess you made breakfast!"
everyone: "mmmmm its so good."
Jaime: "yea i think im likng your sister johan."
Johann: "oh well keep your hands away from her......lol jk dude your a good boy "

I felt burning in my face and stomach i think i was jelouse? Whatever ill spend the rest of the day with her....right?

Danny: "well im going to get ready." and with that she left upstairs running to change im guessing for our date. Thats when i noticed everyone staring at me while i was smiling dumly.

Yoandri: "what?"
Everyone: "nothing."

and with that i left upstairs to change, but i noticed danny crying her bedroom door was nearly opened so i just decided to knock.

Danny: *wipes tears* "who is it?"
Yoandri: "yoandri. Can i come in?"
Danny: "um yea just a sec."
she opend the door with her head down.
Yoandri: "danny what happend?"
She looked up at me and said
Danny: "oh um its nothing, come." she grabbed my hand and she locked the door my heart started pumping faster and faster.
Yoandri: "so what happend?"
Danny: "nothing, um i dont think im going to dinner with you im sorry.....are you mad?"
Yoandri: "i-no im not why would i be mad its your choice i wont force you but are sure your ok?"
Danny: "yea....thanks for understanding me and inviting me and aslo thank you for stopping by to check on me."
Yoandri: "no problem! Anytime beautiful." before i was aboit to unlock the door and leave she turned me around and hugged me tightley and kissed my check and said "thank you." i just stood there shocked.

Dannys P.O.V
I kissed his cheek but i didnt mean it, i meant it as a friend....he'll understand....right?
He stood there shocked at what i did.
Danny: "i-i-im sorry i didnt mean it it was a um i always kiss my friends in the cheek and i-im sorry if i made you feel uncom-"
He cut me off saying.
Yoandri: "its ok i liked it. And no problem."
Danny: "yoandri, i know this is weird and stuff but can you un maybe um stay with me for the night?"
Yoandri:".......would you brother mind?"
Danny: "i would ask him but he and the guys went out."

Yoandris P.O.V
I couldnt help but say yes and she started jumping and then she just put on a movie. We layed under the covers on her bed and we both felt uncomftorable that i took my pants off and shirt.

Yoandri: "wait you dont mind if i-"
Danny: "no not at all." she took off her pants and left her shirt on but it was to short that it left her with underwear and shirt.
Yoandri: "do want to borrow my shirt?"
Danny: "i um...please?" she started laughing well gigling which was cute i gave her my shirt and she said to close my eyes but i couldnt resist it so i peeked a bit she was struggling to get her shirt off so i said.
Yoandri: "haha need help?"
Danny: "oh be quit...yea i do."
Yoandri: *i opened my eyes and took of her shirt but i unclipped her bra by acciednt and when she took it off she noticed and covered herself and she turned red.* "dont worry im not looking."
Danny: "you did that on purpose!"
Yoandri: "no i swear i didnt do it on purpose!"
She was embarrassed and put her bra back on and she put on my shirt which reached up to her thighs which i found cute.

Yoandri: "you look cute."
Danny: "and you look hot." i turned super red and honestly got a little bit turned on. She was crawling in bed like a tiger and layed next to me.
Yoandri: "well i get that a lot. Try something new?give me a nickname."
Danny: "sexy yo-yo?" she smirked and i bit my lip.
Yoandri: "umm- nah its taken." i smirked.she turned so red it was cute.
Danny: "sexy yo-yo!" she pouted and said it in a very seductive way.
Yoandri: "well.....when you put it like that its not taken."
Danny: "yay i knew it." she turned off the t.v and kissed my cheek and said goodnight.
Yoandri: "goodnight beautiful."
I dont think she heard me because she was already asleep and thats when i also feel into a deep sleep.

Hope you guys enjoyed that!!! I will be updating more tommarow or at least later at night love you all! ❤

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