"i love you joel."

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Danny p.o.v

I woke up next and saw my brother all dressed up.

Danny: "were are you going?"
Johann: "party.....get dressed."
Danny:"wait what time is it?"
Johann: "5:00"
Danny: "what!" i got up and went to the bathroom did my buisness took a shower and dressed up.
Johann: "that was fast."
Danny: "dont get your hopes up im not done."
He didnt reply. I straightend my hair and just put lipstick on and left with johann.

We arrived at the party and their were a bunch of people already making out and stuff. Johann and i went our seperate ways. I saw him going to joel and the boys while i went to the bathroom.
I looked at myself in the mirror and sat on the sink.

Danny: "ugh." i groaned i was probably in the pgone for like half an hour and decided to go out and enjoy the party. I got a drink and felt the vodka burning my throat and it started to kick in. I took another drink or so and heard someone come behind me.

Guy: "Might not want to drink to much babygirl."
Danny: "shut up and leave me alone." i turned around and i saw a random guy.
Guy: "come with me." all of a sudden I started to act all crazy but i had to control myself.
Danny: "i-um ok." i followed him. He lead me into a bathroom. He pushed me against the wall.
Danny: "i-cant..."
Guy: "shhhh..." i was a virgin i cant let him get that away from me. He syarted yo take off his pants and he had a knife and put it in my throat.
Guy:"Shut up! And get naked!" i didnt want to die nor give my viginity.
Danny: "......please dont...."
Guy: "fine ill do it." he started to take of my dress and left me.in my underwear and bra and he had the knife aiming at my heart. I was panting.
Guy: "Hahaha you fuc-" all of a sudden joel came into the bathroom. He looked shockeda nd came running towards us and puched the guy until the guy ran away. I just stood there crying....my dress was ripped and i didnt have anything on.

Danny: "joel....thank you." i started to sob and cry on his shoulder.
Joel: "...did he?"
Danny: "he was..."
Joel: "here get this." he handed me a blanket and he took me to a room locked it and said.

Joel: "here.you can borrow this..."
Danny: "th-ank you...um i dont feel good."
i put on the shirt he gave me which reached up to my thighs he also gave me some sweats. I went on the bed and he crawled next to me and turned off the lights.
Joel: "hes not coming back dont worry im here."
Danny: "thank you joel." i dont know why but i felt like kissing him. Ugh i need yo control myself!

Joel: "so...um...lets forget about him?'
Danny: "well i almost got raped i cant get that out of my mind but ill try."
Joel: "its ok honey." thats when my heart started beating faster. I couldnt help it.....i kissed him.....on the cheek lol.

Danny: "i love you joel."
Joel:".....me to honey......." i actually ment that i loved him but he probably thought i ment it as a friend. and with that i let darkness take over me.

Johanns Sister (La Banda)Where stories live. Discover now