"did we have se-"

599 35 4

Dannys p.o.v

Dannys p.o.v
I woke up and my head was pounding and i smelled like alcohol..eww....anyway i felt two Arms around me and a little thing on my bum....i turned around and saw joel.....please tell me we didnt do it.....please?

Danny: "joel...." i was kinda nervouse....omg i need to puke

I went running and puked in the toilet. Ughhh no i dont want a baby......!!!!! i heard footsteps coming behind me.
Joel: "hey sjjdi are you ok?" he said sounding sleepy.
Danny: "not know did we have se-" *vomits*
Joel: "if you were going to say sex.....dont get mad....." i looked at him mad and surprised because i thought i could trust him.
Danny: "i hate yo-" *vomits*
Joel: "damn girl calm down......we didnt....i was kidding i just feel bad because if we did your a lucky girl. "
Danny: "what?"
Joel: "nvm are you ok though?"
Danny: "yea im going to shower."
Joel: "sure call me if you need any help or something."

After shower
*moans* *moans*
Person: "joel!!!!"
Joel: "what?!"
Person: "i love you and your mine okay?!!"
Joel: "......what?"
Person: "i love yo-"
Im guessing that they were kissing? I felt.....no i cant be jealous were not even a thing.

All of a sudden the door opeaned and i saw a girl.....woah to much makeup and blonde yup shes white not hispanic or anything.

Girl: "and who the fuck are you?!"
Danny: "first of all language second of all....im joels frie-''
Joel: "shes a nobody maddie."

What did he just say?!!! I honestly felt like crying fudge him and thats slut sorry for the language.

Maddie: "better stay back bitch and of course your a nobody whore." i just turned around....looked in the mirror....(if your wondering im still wearing my towel and were still in the restroom.) i saw joel looking at me.

Danny: "what the hell are you looking at go with your skanky cakedup face girlfriend." and with that she turned around and grbbed my hair and started hitting me and joel just stood their watching and i had enough.

Maddie: "fuck you bitch!!! Hahaha."

I punched her back and i punched her multie times in the eyes and cheeks.

Danny: "fuck you bitch!!"
Maddie: "joel do something!!!"
Joel: "danny get out of my house!" and he just kissed her girlfriend.

Danny: "what the hell..."
Danny: "fuck you."
Maddie:" shut the fuck up!!"
Danny: "joel im in a freaking towel can i at least change?!"
Joel: "No!" but in his eyes said im sorry.....well fuck him. Wuth that i left and started crying.
Hey guys its me again hopefully yall like it also. What does CNCO mean? But im happy they all made it to la banda and formed into one. Also i know joel is nice but dont judge ok lol sorry. Keep on voting and reading.

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