Thats not y/n.....

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Danny p.o.v

I still couldnt believe what he did that son of a bi- *ding ding*

I opened my door and saw that it was.... Joel? I was about to close it when he barged in..

Danny: "w-what do you want joel!" i startled.
Joel: "im sorry..."
Danny: "you let her PUNCH ME! YOU LET ME GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE.....TECNICAY NAKED WITH A TOWEL FUCKING ON!!!! EXCUSE MY LANGUAGE BUT FUCK YOU GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!" and with that i got my mac book air and slapped him in the face with it and pushed him out.

Joel p.o.v

She freaking hit me although i did diserve so sorry Danny i love you...........not only did i break your heart but i broke my heart aswell.

Later that day (8:40)

Yoandri p.o.v

I was walking by the lobby and started to hear noises....coming from joels room? Maybe its him and danny......hahah i knew they loved eachother.

Joel: "i-i sorry....i love her not...not you..."
Girl: "what the fuc-"
Joel: ".....sorry"
The door opeaned and i quickly hid myself.

And saw a girl with black hair leave.....thats not danny.....wohooo but shes mine know yay!!! Know i can have danny all to back of joel.

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