"k joel i love you to!!"

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Dannys p.o.v
I woke up finding myself in a bed and a body next to me....ouch my head was pounding and i saw joel next to me.

Danny: "AAA!" he quickly shot up.
Joel: "Huh?....what happend leave her alone!"
Danny: "........."
Joel: "oh hey danny...yea we didnt do it...youll remember later go back go sleep."
Danny: "joel...i dont feel good."
I quickly ran to the bathroom and starting vomiting.
Joel yelled "are you okay?!"
Danny: "bla....shut up im vomiting her-" and i kept on going and going.

Joel: "oh ok........" im pretty sure he fell asleep again because his voice sounded like if he were gone.
Danny: "joel?"
No answer. I finished puking cleaned myself up and started remembering what had happend last night?...... Memories started to come....

1) i almost got RAPED!!!
2) joel saved me.
3) he gave me clothes.
4) i told him i loved him and i meant it.
5) we didnt have sex.....

joel: "what?"
Danny: "oh nothing..." i was pretty happy we didnt have it because first i dont want to lose my virginity so yea im happy!!!!!
Joel: "go back to bed its 1:00 am."
Danny: "k joel!! I love you to."i said annoyed because he keeps on sleepying on me lol i just decided to fall back a sleep.
Joel: *snores*
I know its short but more will be coming up soon so yea love yall!! ❤❤❤

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