Chapter 1

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It was friday night and i had nothing to do. I was stuck at my home, more specifically my room! While my brother Romeo was downstairs with all his idiotic loud friends.

My brother is Romeo also known as Romeo Santos.
I changed into some black sweats and a t-shirt and walked downstairs to grab a snack. I mean i was starving.

I walked into the kitchen where i saw Romeo taking a soda and 4 cups to the living room.

"Hey Sam whats up? I thought you werent home"

"I had nothing else to do. Im hungry. Got any food?" I asked him while searching the fridge.
There was literally no food at home.

"Theres pizza in the living room if you want some" I joyfully smiled and started running to the living room. I stopped halfways when i remembered Romeo's stupid friends were in there.

Ugh why is life so complicated.

"Romeo. My dearest brother, will you go get me a slice? Please?" I begged him.

He shook his head. "Im not your slave. You go get it"

"C'mon Romeo! If i walk in there, i might walk back out with only half a brain. I cant risk it" He chuckled.

"Come on. Ill go with you and introduce you to the guys" I laughed sarcastically and shook my head.

"Haha Romeo youre funny. Im not going in there" He simply shrugged.

"Thats your loss. I guess no pizza for you. I ordered hawaiian, your favorite" He started walking off and i stopped him.

"Just because im starving. Lets go!" I yelled.

I walked into the living room with Romeo only to see 3 handsome guys laughing. Were those really his friends?!

They suddenly stopped laughing and stared at me.

"Hey guys this is my sister Sam" I waved at them, and it started getting awkward.

"And Sam these dumb asses as you called them are Geoffrey, Justin, and Dave" Said Romeo.

"I didnt call them dumb asses" I answered a bit embarassed.

I looked at them a bit more closely and they really caught my attention. Geoffrey had some really nice dimples kind of like mine and Romeo's but better. And Justin was very handsome. Dont even talk about Dave ugh i can smell his cologne all the way over here.

I snapped back to reality and walked over to the coffee table. I grabbed a whole box of pizza, they had like 5 boxes! 1 wont hurt. And i started walking off.

"Excuse me! Sam what are you doing?" Asked Romeo.

"Im going to eat pizza. What does it look like im doing?" I answered back.

He rolled his eyes and i started walking upstairs. I stopped halfways when i felt someone staring at me. I turned around to see Justin wink at me.

I ignored it and walked into my room.

That Geoffrey guy was actually really cute. He's my brothers friend and all but i have to admit he's cute.

But Dave was hot! 😍

*1 hour later*
I finished the pizza and i was debating whether to take the box down to the trash or just keep it in here. I walked downstairs with the empty box of pizza and i heard noise in the kitchen.

Except this time it wasnt Romeo. It was Justin.

He suddenly pushed me against the wall and smirked.

"Can i help you?" I asked a bit annoyed.

"Oh feisty. I like that" I rolled my eyes.

"I dont even know you but i already find you unappealing" I said pushing him away.

I walked back upstairs a little disappointed. I like innocent boys more than bad boys tbh.

And Justin's personality was not appealing to me.


Alrighty so this is the first chapter of my new story :)
Vote and comment! :)
I need ideas sooo that would be really helpful! :)

Please criticize this! I want to know what you guys think and ill wait to get a couple comments before i keep updating :)

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