Chapter 13

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Sam's P.O.V:

Sooo things started heating up pretty fast. I wasnt sure how everything happened, but it.... happened.

"Zabdiel we kind of just met... i don't know if this is right" I told him as we locked the door.

"Is this... is this your first time?" He asked me.

"Yeah it kind of is...-"

He cut me off.

"Dont worry. You'll love it" He told me.

And i thought he was innocent!

"Wait Zabdiel... are you sure?" I asked him again.

"Yes. Why wouldnt i be?"

"Does this mean we're like together now?"

I was so confused.

"Yeah pretty much. I guess you can say that" He said still trying to get closer and closer to me.



*Next Morning*

I woke up and Zabdiel was there right next to me. It was already 11 am! I changed quickly and ran downstairs.

"Hey Sam! Have you seen Zabdi!? He isnt in his room 😕" Asked Richard.

"I- I have no idea. Maybe he just... um.. maybe he partied too hard last night haha and he didnt come home" I told him a little nervous.

"Eh maybe he did. Why are you up so late? Its like 12 already 😬" Questioned Erick.

"I was just really tired" I told him.

"Then why are you dressed like that? Btw you have Zabdi's shirt on!" Said Christopher.

"Oh. Um.. it somehow appeared in my room?...."

"We know what happened between you 2 already. So no need to lie. We just think it happened a little too fast...dont you think?" Asked Joel.

Ugh! What am i supposed to say now? 😣

"I-I don't know what to say. It kind of just happened. Please don't say anything guys! My brother would kill me!"

"... what would i kill you for?" I heard someone say.


"Romeo?!" I asked.

"Yeah hey sis! What is CNCO doing here?" He said giving me a hug.

"I invited them over for the night. I figured they could stay since the house is huge you know?"

"Yeah thats cool. Just make sure to let mom know next time or she'll kill me" He said super calmly.

"Yeah. Sorry."

"So what were you saying right before i got here?" He questioned.

"Oh. Um.. i said you would kill me if i.... if i ever got a dog" I lied.

"Oh ok. I just came to stop by super quick. I have a show in a couple minutes so im not even spending the night here" He said.

Oh thank god.

"Awe okay well im glad you came to check on me. Thanks!"

"Yeah well i have to leave already see you soon!" He said giving me another hug.




Super short but you guys deserved another chapter lol since ive been gone forever!

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