Chapter 4

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Geoffrey's P.O.V (Again) :

I walked back out to the patio with the biggest grin on my face.

"Hahaha! Guys ssshh he's coming" Said Dave.

He was totally not making it obvious they were talking about me.

"Wow Dave that was totally not obvious! I can hear you from inside. You guys just have the weirdest laugh ive ever heard" I said making fun of them

"And you totally didnt just ask Romeo's sister out!" Said Justin with a smirk.

He high-fived Dave.

Oh shit.

So they heard me. Im so stupid.

"Listen Romeo. Um..I-"

"Save it Geoff. Youre dead meat to me now-" He said loudly getting off his chair and walking towards me.

Is he going to kill me!?

I didnt do anything wrong right!?

I mean other than kind of asking out his little sister.

Okay ouch.

"Romeo please... I-" I was already stuttering.


He was going to punch me.

I squinted my face waiting for him to start pounding my face...

"Hahaha!! Justin! Did you get that? Send it to me!" Romeo said.

I opened my eyes and i had no idea what was going on.

"Sent! You got it Romeo?"

They started laughing really loud as they pointed at Romeo's phone.

When i say laughing i seriously fucking mean laughing.

They were laughing so hard i wouldnt doubt one of them would pee.

"Yes!! Oh god hahaha his face is like...hahaha oh my i cant even-"

Okay i get it now. Romeo was fake fighting me.


"Same Romeo! Geoffrey is so easy to make fun of... hahahaha"

"Ugh.. ill just go inside" I said still trying to find my voice. I felt so stupid.

"Alright pretty boy! Hahaha" Yelled Romeo.

"Pretty boy hahaha" It was Justin this time.

Romeo stopped me.

"You better not be looking for something other than friendship with my sister. Or i swear ill kill you!" He said serious this time.

"Dont worry about it"

"Im not that worried because i know you have Melenie. She'll keep you in tact" He said patting my back.

I am so stupid. Of course Melenie.


My girlfriend.


A little late but here it is! :))


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