Chapter 7

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"Um.. ill get it" Said Geoffrey.

I talked to Melenie while Geoffrey opened the door.

It was Dave 😍

"Oh hey Geoffrey!" Said Dave high-fiving him.

Typical guy move.

"Hey Dave what are you doing here?" He asked totally confused.

I cut him off.

"He's my date"


"That was sooo much fun! We should totally hang out again!" I told everyone as we walked out of the field.

We went to play soccer ⚽

"Eh it wasnt that fun for me" Said Geoffrey.

"Dont be a sore loser man. Youre just mad that Sam and I beat you... bad" Said Dave carrying me up in the air.

It was cute.

"Okay you can let me down now hahaha" I told Dave but he ignored me.

Um. Hello?

"It wasnt even that much" Defended Melenie.

"Oh for sure. 8-1 is totally not bad" I told them still laughing up in the air.

Dave has to let me down.

"Okay Dave seriously now let me down" I told him.

"Nope." He said.

"Alright i think we'll leave you 2 love birds here. I have to go home already" Said Melenie.

"Thanks for coming with us Mel! It was so much fun!" I told her.

Still up in the AIR!

"C'mon lets go Geoffrey" Said Melenie.

She started tugging on his hand but he wouldnt leave.

"Why dont you drive home? Ill go with Dave and Sam" He finally answered.

Oh what a bigger jerk.

Couldnt he leave us alone!?

"I mean i can go with you guys right?" He asked.

"Um.. sure" I answered a little disappointed.

Actually super disappointed.

"Thanks! I guess ill see you later Melenie" He said giving her a hug and walking her to her car.

"Eh what a third wheel huh?" Asked Dave.

Just what i was thinking!

I had to lie though.

"What do you mean? Haha"

"I was hoping we could spend some time alone to get to know each other you know?" He said finally putting me down.

Yes! Free at last.

"What if... nevermind thats mean" I started.

"What were you going to say?" He started insisting.

I had to tell him.

"What if we ditch Geoffrey? Haha he did bring his car anyways.."

He cut me off.

"Yes! Lets go! We can tell him you werent feeling good so we had to leave without him" He said loving the idea.

I felt bad.

"Okay haha i feel like a bad girl" I told him in between laughs.

"Oh damn i like bad girls 😉" He answered making me turn bright red on the spot.

"Like those girls that ride motorcycles and have tattoos and stuff?" I asked him.

"No. I like girls like you"



That was so sweet!

Ugh Dave 😍

He suddenly started leaning forward. He was going to kiss me right? 😍

"Sam! Dave! Where are we going now?!" Interrupted Geoffrey.

"Fucking Geoffrey!" I accidentally whisper-yelled.


I turned to see both Dave and Geoffrey with their mouth wide open.

"Um.. sorry guys!" I was totally embarassed.


"Its fine haha-..." Said Dave.

"- Hey Geoffrey would you mind leaving us alone tonight? We kind of wanted to hang out just us 2" Said Dave in a very nice friendly tone.

"Oh yeah thats fine. Of course. Ill just go... home... alone... with nobody else...-" Said Geoffrey sarcastically.


Why did this make me feel so bad!?

"Hey you guys can just hang out i have to start heading home. Romeo just texted me." I told them walking away.

Maybe i shouldnt get my hopes up with any of them.


Dun, dun, dun.....

Sorry for the late update! Ive been super busy!

Did you guys start school already?

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