Chapter 10

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"Y el corazon! No tiene cara! Y te prometo que na na na na naaaa-....." I sang my heart out. Jk.

"Sam!" I heard someone yell.

"Aaaaaahh! You scared me!" I yelled at Melenie.

"Thats my boyfriend's song ;)" She said.


This made me feel horrible.

"Uh... hahaha yeah" I told her.

"So we should totally plan another double date!"

"Oh sure but not now...-"

Melenie's phone started ringing.

"Hey babe! Whats up?... oh okay im on my way!" She said on the phone.

"Youre leaving?" I asked her as if it wasnt already obvious.

"Yeah Geoffrey wants to talk. Ill text you later" She said leaving.

"Alright bye Melenie!"


"If you had a twin i would still choose youuu!-...." I was singing my heart out.... again.

Stupid phone calls.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey its Geoffrey"

"Oh hey!" My mood changed all of a sudden.

I felt horrible though.

"So.. I just wanted to tell you im single now. I broke up with Me-..." I cut him off.

"What!? Geoffrey why would y...."

"Sam! 😭😭 I- I really need you right now" It was Melenie.

She burst through my room door.

I hung up on Geoffrey.

"Whats wrong Melenie?"

I already knew what this was all about.

Her break-up with the one and only Geoffrey

"Geoffrey just broke up with me! O-out of no where.... I-I thought we were doing good! 😭" She started sobbing.

"Im so sorry Melenie but... theres thousands of other fish in the sea! You can just....-" She cut me off.

"Same goes to you! Theres thousands of other fish in the sea... why did you choose to be a slut and take Geoffrey from me!?" She yelled angrily.

Bigger shit.

It was true. Im a slut. I guess so.

"Im not going to let you call me a slut at my own house! Get out!" I yelled at her.

I actually know how to defend myself.... sometimes.

"Id be glad to leave this filthy piece of sh-..."

"Get the fuck out or ill call the police on you!" I yelled pushing her out the door.

"Oh im so scared!"She said sarcastically.

That only made me angrier.

"Well you should be! If there wasnt so many people around i wouldve already beat the sh-..."

"Go for it! You dont scare me" She challenged me.

"Ugh!" I closed my front door and left her outside yelling.

I had to call Geoffrey.

"Geoffrey! What did you tell Melenie??" I asked a little too rudely.

"I told her the truth! That i love you and i want to be with you not her" He said.

Ok let me take a moment to...awwweee!

Oh and great.

She just broke my front window too.

"Worst idea you couldve had! She came and i almost fought her! 😣 She just broke my window!" I told him.

"I didnt know that would happen sorry! I thought she would understand. Ill fix your window!"

"Can you just go get back with her? I dont want to cause problems anymore.... I can always just go back to Germany"

"No! I wanted to break up with her since forever... this is not your fault"

"I need to talk to my mom. Ill call you soon" I told him hanging up.

Maybe Germany was the best for me. I cant keep causing problems with my brother, my ex- best friend, and Geoffrey.


"Mom? I want to go to Germany"


I updated! Sooooo please....


Oh yeah and of course Enjoy! ❤

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