Chapter 11

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"Mom? I want to go to Germany" I told her.

She laughed.

"Are you serious? I thought you wanted to stay! Make up your mind please"

"I want to go to Germany mom. I made up my mind. Maybe ill meet a cute lil German boy like you said"

"Ok start packing. I already had your ticket ready tomorrow at 10 am. Ill let your brother know"

"Thanks mom"


*Next Day*

"Are you ready sis?!" I heard Romeo yell from downstairs.

"Hold up! I just need my make up done!" I yelled back.

The airport was about an hour away so i had to wake up at 7 to start getting ready!

"You know.... im actually going to miss you a lot-..." He told me as we drove to the airport.

"Yeah right Romeo. You hate me."

"No i dont. Youre my sister and ive just been wanting to protect you. You deserve so much better than Geoffrey-" I cut him off right there

"Dont even talk about him. Im so done with him"

"Did he do something to you?! Because ill go beat the shit out of him right now!" He said nearly crashing our car.

"No. Um... he made me fall in love with him. Thats the problem"

"I hate to say this, but thats stupid. Geoffrey is so... i-..."

"Geoffrey nothing. We're done talking about him okay?"


We finally got to the airport and i suddenly spotted the one and only... CNCO!

I couldnt stop but fangirl.

"Romeo! Its CNCO! I love them so much!" I yelled pulling on his arm.

"Okay hold up. Lets go talk to them" He told me.

We were walking closer, and closer and closer and...

"Guys! Its Romeo Santos over there!" Yelled Richard.

They beat me to it.

All 5 of them started gathering around us. It was cute.

"We are big fans" Said Richard.

"We admire you so much!" Said Zabdiel.

Okay so I secretly have always had a crush on Zabdiel. Just saying.

"Okay well this is my little sister Sam and she loves you guys. She wanted me to come over and talk to you all" He said pointing at me.

I literally got all red.

"I love you!" I yelled as i ran to hug Zabdiel.

Ok maybe i exagerated a bit.

"Get some Zabdi!" Yelled Joel.

I let go of him quickly.

"Im so sorry about that.... uh.. Romeo i think we have to go?"

"Hahaha okay little sis. It was nice meeting you guys... maybe ill see you around"

"Sure thing! Where are you guys heading?" Asked Christopher.

I turned to look at Zabdiel and he instantly smiled at me.


"Well my sister is going to Germany. She's going to stay there for a couple months or years... whatever she decides right Sam?"

"Yeah. How about you guys?"

"We're going to some place called Alemania" Said Erick scratching his head.

I started laughing.

"Freaking Erick! Alemania is Germany! 😂" Said Christopher hitting Erick behind the head.

Omg 😂

"Thats so cool! -....."

"Flight #2751 To Germany ready to board!" Yelled the flight attendant.

"I gotta go Romeo-"

"I know...." Romeo gave me a big bear hug and suddenly started crying.

"-... Im going to miss you little sis! Have fun in Germany... ill go visit you this time!"

"Awwe Romeo im going to miss you too! And im sorry for being such a bad sister... im sorry I almost dated your best friend and...-"

"Forget it. I love you please dont do anything stupid in Germany."

"I promise! Ill call you as soon as i land" I told him.

I started walking to the line with my handbag, and suitcases. I had 2 on each side! 😥

"Here ill help you carry your bags. Se miran pesadas eh" Said Zabdiel helping me with 3 of my suitcases.

He was carrying his own too!

He's so strong ❤

"Thank you" I told him smiling.

Sooo.... dun dun dun.

I sat right behind CNCO on the airplane! 😉

"Hey guys" I told them and they turned around in surprise.

"Are you like following us?" Said Joel.

"No! My mom bought my ticket... i guess she got me high class"

"Youre Romeo Santos's sister so that kind of makes sense" Said Richard.

Ugh i hate when people think Romeo's career is what my family hangs off of.

"Actually, my dad invested in a big record company and thats pretty much where our money comes from. Not Romeo"

"Thats cool! So you guys are like super rich?" Asked Erick.

"-Not super rich... we're normal... you know middle class"

"Says the girl thats riding on the high class section of the airplane!" Yelled Christopher.

Omg this again.

"You guys are riding here too!" I yelled back.


Okay! So this is a super long chapter! Its like almost 900 words! I hope you guys liked it!

Did you!?

Okay like always....


Oh pssshhh ENJOY TOO! :)

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