Chapter 2

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It was 3:30 am and there was loud roaring music coming from downstairs.
I rolled around my bed trying to get comfortable but nothing worked.
Ugh. Dont they know normal people are asleep at this time?!

I groaned and walked downstairs with my blanket. It was pretty cold.

Romeo should know i get really grumpy when i dont get my sleep.
I walked straight to the stereo and turned the music off. The guys all stared at me with surprise.

"Romeo, tell your stupid friends to shut up! You know i get grumpy without my sleep" I shrieked.

"Well arent you a cutie when you wake up" Said Justin.

"Shut up!" I yelled back.

I started heading back upstairs.

"Sorry sis. We'll be less rowdy now promise" Said Romeo.

I nodded and kept going upstairs half asleep. I fell into bed and somehow fell asleep.

I woke up at 10 am. I stretched before getting off of bed and i held my hair up in a bun.

I suddenly realized....i was hungry.
Im those type of people that eat alot and never seem to gain weight. I love it.

I walked downstairs and heated up some pizza that was in the fridge. I shouldnt be eating pizza in the morning but oh well.

"Hey" I heard someone say. I didnt recognize the voice.
I turned around to see one of Romeo's friends.

"Oh hi.... Geoffrey right?" I asked trying not to sound so rude that i didnt remember his name.

"Yeah im Geoffrey. Hey i saw you with Justin yesterday? ;) How are you liking him?" He chuckled a bit.

"Eh. He's so immature. Is he always like that?" I questioned. He nodded.

"Yup. But thats what girls love about him. Girls at school are always all over him"

"Yeah i can tell. Oh and sorry about this morning... me being all grumpy. I just love my sleep" I said smiling.

"Thats cool" He laughed.

"Geoffrey! I need your help on something" Called Romeo from the living room.

"I gotta go. Excuse me" He said walking away.

How polite. So different from Justin.

I went up to my room and started watching 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians'. I love drama.
After about 30 minutes, i started cleaning my room a bit. It was full of trash.

There was suddenly a knock on my door.
I walked up to open the door.

"Your brother wants to see you babe" It was Justin.

"Dont call me that again...Or ill punch you" I growled walking downstairs.

I know this is bad... but itll get better i promise! Sooo..



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